So that it will bring forth new leaves from the old (bough): the old (tale) will cause a hundred clusters to blossom from the ditch.
تا که از کهنه برآرد برگ نو ** بشکفاند کهنه صد خوشه ز گو
We are the (spiritual) physicians, the disciples of God: the Red Sea beheld us and was cloven.2700
ما طبیبانیم شاگردان حق ** بحر قلزم دید ما را فانفلق
Those natural physicians are different, for they look into the heart by means of a pulse.
آن طبیبان طبیعت دیگرند ** که به دل از راه نبضی بنگرند
We look well into the heart without intermediary, for through clairvoyance we are in a high belvedere.
ما به دل بی واسطه خوش بنگریم ** کز فراست ما به عالی منظریم
Those (others) are physicians of food and fruit: by them the animal soul is (made) strong.
آن طبیبان غذااند و ثمار ** جان حیوانی بدیشان استوار
We are physicians of deeds and words: the ray of the light of (Divine) Majesty is our inspirer,
ما طبیبان فعالیم و مقال ** ملهم ما پرتو نور جلال
(So that we know) that a deed like this will be beneficial to thee, while a deed like that will cut (thee) off from the Way;2705
کین چنین فعلی ترا نافع بود ** و آنچنان فعلی ز ره قاطع بود
And that words like these will lead thee on (to grace), while words like those will bring anguish to thee.
اینچنین قولی ترا پیش آورد ** و آنچنان قولی ترا نیش آورد
To those (other) physicians a (sample of) urine is evidence, whereas this evidence of ours is the inspiration of the Almighty.
آن طبیبان را بود بولی دلیل ** وین دلیل ما بود وحی جلیل
We do not desire a fee from any one: our fee comes many a time from God.
دستمزدی می نخواهیم از کسی ** دستمزد ما رسد از حق بسی
Hark, come hither for the incurable disease! We, one by one, are a medicine for the (spiritually) sick.”
هین صلا بیماری ناسور را ** داروی ما یک بیک رنجور را
How the people (of Sabá) demanded miracles from the prophets.
معجزه خواستن قوم از پیغامبران
The people said, “O ye company of impostors, where is the evidence of (your) knowledge of medicine and (your) usefulness?2710
قوم گفتند ای گروه مدعی ** کو گواه علم طب و نافعی
Since ye are in bondage, like us, to this same sleep and food (and) are pasturing in the country—
چون شما بسته همین خواب و خورید ** همچو ما باشید در ده میچرید
Since ye are entrapped by this water and earth, how are ye hunters of the Símurgh (which is) the heart?
چون شما در دام این آب و گلید ** کی شما صیاد سیمرغ دلید
Love of power and dominion induces (a man) to reckon himself amongst the prophets.
حب جاه و سروری دارد بر آن ** که شمارد خویش از پیغامبران
We will not put in our ears such vain boasts and lies and (thereby) fall into deception.”
ما نخواهیم این چنین لاف و دروغ ** کردن اندر گوش و افتادن بدوغ
The prophets said, “This (disbelief) arises from that malady: the original blindness (of your hearts) is the screen (which hinders you) from seeing (the truth).2715