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  • Then it will begin to act like Pharaoh and will waylay a hundred (such as) Moses and Aaron. 1055
  • آنگه او بنیاد فرعونی کند ** راه صد موسی و صد هارون زند
  • That dragon, under stress of poverty, is a little worm, (but) a gnat is made a falcon by power and riches.
  • کرمکست آن اژدها از دست فقر ** پشه‌ای گردد ز جاه و مال صقر
  • Keep the dragon in the snow of separation (from its desires); beware, do not carry it into the sun of ‘Iráq.
  • اژدها را دار در برف فراق ** هین مکش او را به خورشید عراق
  • So long as that dragon of thine remains frozen, (well and good); thou art a mouthful for it, when it gains release.
  • تا فسرده می‌بود آن اژدهات ** لقمه‌ی اویی چو او یابد نجات
  • Mortify it and become safe from (spiritual) death; have no mercy: it is not one of them that deserve favours;
  • مات کن او را و آمن شو ز مات ** رحم کم کن نیست او ز اهل صلات
  • For (when) the heat of the sun of lust strikes upon it, that vile bat of thine flaps its wings. 1060
  • کان تف خورشید شهوت بر زند ** آن خفاش مردریگت پر زند
  • Lead it manfully to the (spiritual) warfare and battle: God will reward thee with access (to Him).
  • می‌کشانش در جهاد و در قتال ** مردوار الله یجزیک الوصال
  • When that man brought the dragon into the hot air, the insolent brute became well (again),
  • چونک آن مرد اژدها را آورید ** در هوای گرم خوش شد آن مرید
  • Inevitably it wrought those mischiefs, my dear friend, (and others) too, twenty times as many as we have told.
  • لاجرم آن فتنه‌ها کرد ای عزیز ** بیست همچندان که ما گفتیم نیز
  • Dost thou hope, without using violence, to keep it bound in quiet and faithfulness?
  • تو طمع داری که او را بی جفا ** بسته داری در وقار و در وفا
  • How should this wish be fulfilled for any worthless one? It needs a Moses to kill the dragon. 1065
  • هر خسی را این تمنی کی رسد ** موسیی باید که اژدرها کشد
  • By his dragon hundreds of thousands of people were killed in the rout, as he had designed.
  • صدهزاران خلق ز اژدرهای او ** در هزیمت کشته شد از رای او
  • How Pharaoh threatened Moses, on whom be peace.
  • تهدید کردن فرعون موسی را علیه السلام
  • Pharaoh said to him, “Why didst thou, O Kalím, kill the people and cause fear to fall (on them)?
  • گفت فرعونش چرا تو ای کلیم ** خلق را کشتی و افکندی تو بیم
  • The people were put to flight and rout by thee; in the rout the folk were killed through slipping (and being crushed to death).
  • در هزیمت از تو افتادند خلق ** در هزیمت کشته شد مردم ز زلق
  • Necessarily, the folk have come to regard thee as their enemy; (both) men and women have conceived hatred of thee in their breasts.
  • لاجرم مردم ترا دشمن گرفت ** کین تو در سینه مرد و زن گرفت
  • Thou wert calling the people to (follow) thee, (but) it has turned out contrariwise: the folk cannot but resist thee. 1070
  • خلق را می‌خواندی بر عکس شد ** از خلافت مردمان را نیست بد
  • I too, though I am creeping (shrinking) back from thy malice, am concocting a plan to requite thee.
  • من هم از شرت اگر پس می‌خزم ** در مکافات تو دیگی می‌پزم
  • Put away from thine heart the thought that thou wilt deceive me or that thou wilt get any follower but thy shadow.
  • دل ازین بر کن که بفریبی مرا ** یا بجز فی پس‌روی گردد ترا
  • Be not deluded by that which thou hast contrived: thou hast (only) cast terror into the hearts of the people.
  • تو بدان غره مشو کش ساختی ** در دل خلقان هراس انداختی
  • Thou mayst bring (forward) a hundred such (devices), and thou wilt be exposed in the same way; thou wilt become despicable and the laughing-stock of the mob.
  • صد چنین آری و هم رسوا شوی ** خوار گردی ضحکه‌ی غوغا شوی
  • Many have been impostors like thee, (but) in our Egypt they have been brought to disgrace in the end.” 1075
  • همچو تو سالوس بسیاران بدند ** عاقبت در مصر ما رسوا شدند
  • The answer of Moses to Pharaoh concerning the threats which he made against him.
  • جواب موسی فرعون را در تهدیدی کی می‌کردش
  • He (Moses) said, “I admit nothing as co-partner with the command of God: if His command shall shed my blood, there is no fear (on my part).
  • گفت با امر حقم اشراک نیست ** گر بریزد خونم امرش باک نیست
  • I am content, I am thankful, O adversary: here (I am) disgraced, but with God (I am) honoured.
  • راضیم من شاکرم من ای حریف ** این طرف رسوا و پیش حق شریف
  • In the sight of the people (I am) contemptible and wretched and a laughingstock: in God's sight (I am) loved and sought and approved.
  • پیش خلقان خوار و زار و ریش‌خند ** پیش حق محبوب و مطلوب و پسند
  • I say this (merely as a matter) of words; otherwise (in fact), to-morrow (on the Day of Judgement) God will make thee one of the black-faced.
  • از سخن می‌گویم این ورنه خدا ** از سیه‌رویان کند فردا ترا
  • Glory belongs to Him and to His servants (alone): recite (from the Qur’án) the sign thereof (made manifest) through Adam and Iblís. 1080
  • عزت آن اوست و آن بندگانش ** ز آدم و ابلیس بر می‌خوان نشانش
  • The explanation of (the attributes of) God, like God (Himself), hath no limit. Take heed, close thy mouth and turn over a (new) leaf.”
  • شرح حق پایان ندارد همچو حق ** هین دهان بربند و برگردان ورق
  • The reply of Pharaoh to Moses, on whom be peace.
  • پاسخ فرعون موسی را علیه السلام
  • Pharaoh said to him, “The leaf is under my authority; the book and register of authority is mine at this moment.
  • گفت فرعونش ورق درحکم ماست ** دفتر و دیوان حکم این دم مراست
  • The people of the world have chosen me: art thou wiser than all, O fellow?
  • مر مرا بخریده‌اند اهل جهان ** از همه عاقلتری تو ای فلان
  • O Moses, thou hast vaunted thyself. Hark, begone! Have less regard for thyself, be not self-deluded.
  • موسیا خود را خریدی هین برو ** خویشتن کم بین به خود غره مشو
  • I will assemble the magicians of the world, that I may exhibit thy foolishness to the city. 1085
  • جمع آرم ساحران دهر را ** تا که جهل تو نمایم شهر را
  • (But) this will not be done in a day or two: give me time (and wait) till the forty days (which end in the month) of Tamúz.”
  • این نخواهد شد بروزی و دو روز ** مهلتم ده تا چهل روز تموز
  • The answer of Moses, on whom be peace, to Pharaoh.
  • جواب موسی فرعون را
  • Moses said, “This is not permitted to me: I am the slave (of God): the giving of time to thee is not commanded.
  • گفت موسی این مرا دستور نیست ** بنده‌ام امهال تو مامور نیست
  • If thou art powerful and I in sooth have no ally, (yet) I am subject to His command: I have nothing to do with that.
  • گر تو چیری و مرا خود یار نیست ** بنده فرمانم بدانم کار نیست
  • I will combat thee with all my might so long as I live; what have I to do with helping (God)? I am a slave.
  • می‌زنم با تو بجد تا زنده‌ام ** من چه کاره‌ی نصرتم من بنده‌ام
  • I will fight till the decision of God comes to pass: He (alone) separates every adversary from an adversary.” 1090
  • می‌زنم تا در رسد حکم خدا ** او کند هر خصم از خصمی جدا
  • The reply of Pharaoh to Moses, and the coming of a Divine revelation to Moses, on whom be peace.
  • جواب فرعون موسی را و وحی آمدن موسی را علیه‌السلام
  • He (Pharaoh) said, “Nay, nay, thou must appoint a certain respite: do not give cajoleries, do not talk vain things.”
  • گفت نه نه مهلتم باید نهاد ** عشوه‌ها کم ده تو کم پیمای باد
  • At once the high God made a revelation to him, saying, “Give him an ample respite: be not afraid of that.
  • حق تعالی وحی کردش در زمان ** مهلتش ده متسع مهراس از آن
  • Willingly give him these forty days, that he may bethink him of divers plots.
  • این چهل روزش بده مهلت بطوع ** تا سگالد مکرها او نوع نوع
  • Let him endeavour, for I am not asleep; bid him advance quickly, (for) I have barred the way in front (of him).
  • تا بکوشد او که نی من خفته‌ام ** تیز رو گو پیش ره بگرفته‌ام
  • I will confound all their devices, and I will reduce to little that which they increase. 1095
  • حیله‌هاشان را همه برهم زنم ** و آنچ افزایند من بر کم زنم
  • Let them fetch water, and I will make (it) fire; let them get honey and sweets and I will make (it) bitter.
  • آب را آرند من آتش کنم ** نوش و خوش گیرند و من ناخوش کنم
  • Let them join in a bond of love, and I will destroy it; I will do that which they conceive not.
  • مهر پیوندند و من ویران کنم ** آنک اندر وهم نارند آن کنم
  • Have thou no fear, and give him a lengthy respite; bid him bring together his host and prepare a hundred devices.”
  • تو مترس و مهلتش ده دم‌دراز ** گو سپه گرد آر و صد حیلت بساز
  • How Moses, on whom be peace, gave Pharaoh a respite, that he might assemble the magicians from the cities.
  • مهلت دادن موسی علیه‌السلام فرعون را تا ساحران را جمع کند از مداین
  • He (Moses) said, “The (Divine) command hath come. Go, the respite is (granted) to thee. I depart to my dwelling-place: thou art delivered from me.”
  • گفت امر آمد برو مهلت ترا ** من بجای خود شدم رستی ز ما
  • He was going (on his way), and at his heels (went) the dragon wise and loving, like the hunter's dog. 1100
  • او همی‌شد و اژدها اندر عقب ** چون سگ صیاد دانا و محب
  • Like the hunter's dog, wagging its tail: it made the stones (crumble as) sand beneath its hoof.
  • چون سگ صیاد جنبان کرده دم ** سنگ را می‌کرد ریگ او زیر سم
  • With its breath it drew in stone and iron (to its jaws) and visibly chewed the iron into small fragments.
  • سنگ و آهن را بدم در می‌کشید ** خرد می‌خایید آهن را پدید
  • In the air it was making itself (rise) above the zodiac, so that Greeks and Georgians would flee from it in panic.
  • در هوا می‌کرد خود بالای برج ** که هزیمت می‌شد از وی روم و گرج
  • From its palate it cast out foam, like a camel: whomsoever a drop hit, he was smitten with tubercular leprosy.
  • کفک می‌انداخت چون اشتر ز کام ** قطره‌ای بر هر که زد می‌شد جذام