چون اثر زایید آن هم شد سبب ** تا بزاید او اثرهای عجب
- When the effect was born, that too became a cause, so that it might give birth to wondrous effects.
این سببها نسل بر نسل است لیک ** دیدهای باید منور نیک نیک
- These causes are generation on generation, but it needs a very well illumined eye (to see all the links in their chain).”
شاه با او در سخن اینجا رسید ** یا بدید از وی نشانی یا ندید
- The King, in conversation with him, arrived at this point: he either saw or did not see a sign.
گر بدید آن شاه جویا دور نیست ** لیک ما را ذکر آن دستور نیست
- If that searching King saw (such a sign), ’tis not strange; but we are not permitted to mention it.
چون ز گرمابه بیامد آن غلام ** سوی خویشش خواند آن شاه و همام 1005
- When that (other) slave came from the warm bath, that King and lofty personage called him to his presence,
گفت صحا لک نعیم دایم ** بس لطیفی و ظریف و خوب رو
- (And) said, “Health (to you)! Lasting happiness be yours! You are very fine and elegant and good-looking.
ای دریغا گر نبودی در تو آن ** که همیگوید برای تو فلان
- Oh, alas! If there were not in you that which so-and-so says about you,
شاد گشتی هر که رویت دیدهیی ** دیدنت ملک جهان ارزیدیی
- Whoever beheld your face would become glad; the sight of you would be worth the empire of the world.”
گفت رمزی ز آن بگو ای پادشاه ** کز برای من بگفت آن دین تباه
- He said, “O King, utter some hint of what that miscreant said about me.”
گفت اول وصف دو روییت کرد ** کاشکارا تو دوایی خفیه درد 1010
- The King said, “In the first place he described you as double-faced, saying that you are ostensibly a remedy (but) secretly a disease.”