ز انکه نقشی وز خرد بیبهرهای ** آدمی خو نیستی خر کرهای
- Because you are a (mere) shape and have no portion of intelligence; you are not of human nature, you are an ass's colt.
سایه را تو شخص میبینی ز جهل ** شخص از آن شد نزد تو بازی و سهل
- From ignorance you deem the shadow to be the substance: hence to you the substance has become a plaything and of slight account.
باش تا روزی که آن فکر و خیال ** بر گشاید بیحجابی پر و بال
- Wait till the Day when that thought and phantasy unfolds its wings and pinions without any veil (encumbrance).
کوهها بینی شده چون پشم نرم ** نیست گشته این زمین سرد و گرم
- You will see that the mountains have become soft as wool, (and that) this Earth of hot and cold has become naught;
نه سما بینی نه اختر نه وجود ** جز خدای واحد حی ودود 1045
- You will see neither the sky nor the stars nor (any) existence but God, the One, the Living, the Loving.
یک فسانه راست آمد یا دروغ ** تا دهد مر راستیها را فروغ
- Here is a tale, (be it) true or false, to illustrate (these) truths.
حسد کردن حشم بر غلام خاص
- How the (King's) retainers envied the favourite slave.
پادشاهی بندهای را از کرم ** بر گزیده بود بر جمله حشم
- A King had, of his grace, preferred a certain slave above all his retinue.
جامگی او وظیفهی چل امیر ** ده یک قدرش ندیدی صد وزیر
- His allowance was the stipend of forty Amírs; a hundred Viziers would not see (receive) a tenth of its amount.
از کمال طالع و اقبال و بخت ** او ایازی بود و شه محمود وقت
- Through the perfection of (his) natal star and prosperity and fortune he was an Ayáz, while the King was the Mahmúd of the time.
روح او با روح شه در اصل خویش ** پیش از این تن بوده هم پیوند و خویش 1050
- His spirit in its origin, before (the creation of) this body, was near-related and akin to the King's spirit.