از پی طاق و طرم خواری کشند ** بر امید عز در خواری خوشند
- For the sake of (earthly) pomp and grandeur they endure abasement; in the hope of glory they are happy in (their) abasement.
بر امید عز ده روزهی خدوک ** گردن خود کردهاند از غم چو دوک 1105
- In the hope of a ten days' (transient) glory (full) of annoyance, they have made their necks, from anxiety, (thin) as a spindle.
چون نمیآیند اینجا که منم ** کاندر این عز آفتاب روشنم
- How do not they come to this place where I am?—for in this (spiritual) glory I am the shining Sun.
مشرق خورشید برج قیرگون ** آفتاب ما ز مشرقها برون
- The rising-place of the sun is the pitch-coloured tower (of heaven), (but) my Sun is beyond (all) rising-places.
مشرق او نسبت ذرات او ** نه بر آمد نه فرو شد ذات او
- His “rising-place” (is only) in relation to His motes: His essence neither rose nor set.
ما که واپس ماند ذرات ویایم ** در دو عالم آفتابی بیفیایم
- I who am left behind (surpassed in eminence) by His motes am (nevertheless) in both worlds a sun without shadow.
باز گرد شمس میگردم عجب ** هم ز فر شمس باشد این سبب 1110
- Still, I am revolving round the Sun—’tis wonderful; the cause of this is the majesty of the Sun.
شمس باشد بر سببها مطلع ** هم از او حبل سببها منقطع
- The Sun is acquainted with (all secondary) causes; at the same time the cord of (all secondary) causes is severed from Him.
صد هزاران بار ببریدم امید ** از که از شمس این شما باور کنید
- Hundreds of thousands of times have I cut off (abandoned) hope—of whom? Of the Sun? Do you believe this?
تو مرا باور مکن کز آفتاب ** صبر دارم من و یا ماهی ز آب
- Do not believe of me that I can endure to be without the Sun, or the fish to be without water;