اسب داند اسب را کاو هست یار ** هم سواری داند احوال سوار1285
A horse knows a horse, because it (one horse) is associated (homogeneous with other horses); likewise (only) a rider knows the things appertaining to a rider.
چشم حس اسب است و نور حق سوار ** بیسواره اسب خود ناید به کار
The sensuous eye is the horse, and the Light of God is the rider: without the rider the horse itself is useless.
پس ادب کن اسب را از خوی بد ** ور نه پیش شاه باشد اسب رد
Therefore train the horse (so as to cure it) of bad habits; else the horse will be rejected before the King.
چشم اسب از چشم شه رهبر بود ** چشم او بیچشم شه مضطر بود
The horse's eye finds the way from the King's eye: without the King's eye its eye is in desperate plight.
چشم اسبان جز گیاه و جز چرا ** هر کجا خوانی بگوید نه چرا
The eye of horses, whithersoever you call it except to grass and pasture, says, “Nay, why (should we go)?”
نور حق بر نور حس راکب شود ** آن گهی جان سوی حق راغب شود1290
The Light of God mounts (as a rider) on the sensuous eye, and then the soul yearns after God.
اسب بیراکب چه داند رسم راه ** شاه باید تا بداند شاه راه
How should the riderless horse know the marks of the road? The King is needed (to ride it) in order that it may know the King's road.
سوی حسی رو که نورش راکب است ** حس را آن نور نیکو صاحب است
Go towards a sense on which the Light is riding: that Light is a good companion for the sense.
نور حس را نور حق تزیین بود ** معنی نور علی نور این بود
The Light of God is an ornament to the light of sense: this is the meaning of light upon light.
نور حسی میکشد سوی ثری ** نور حقش میبرد سوی علی
The light of sense draws (a man) towards earth; the Light of God bears him aloft,