بو که بر اجزای او تابد مهی ** بو که در وی تاب مه یابد رهی
(In the hope that) maybe a Moon will shine upon its particles, (that) maybe the radiance of the Moon will find a way into it.
چون قیامت کوهها را بر کند ** پس قیامت این کرم کی میکند
Inasmuch as the (temporal) Resurrection shall dig up the mountains, how shall it cast the shadow (of protection) over us?
این قیامت ز آن قیامت کی کم است ** آن قیامت زخم و این چون مرهم است
How is this (spiritual) Resurrection inferior to that (temporal) Resurrection? That (temporal) Resurrection is the wound, and this (spiritual) Resurrection is as the plaster.
هر که دید این مرهم از زخم ایمن است ** هر بدی کاین حسن دید او محسن است1340
Every one that has seen (experienced) this plaster is safe from the wound: every evil one that has seen this good is a well-doer.
ای خنک زشتی که خوبش شد حریف ** وای گل رویی که جفتش شد خریف
Oh, happy is the ugly one to whom the beauteous one has become a companion; alas for one of rosy countenance with whom autumn has consorted!
نان مرده چون حریف جان شود ** زنده گردد نان و عین آن شود
When lifeless bread is companioned with life, the bread becomes living and is turned into the substance of that (life).
هیزم تیره حریف نار شد ** تیرگی رفت و همه انوار شد
Dark faggots become the companions of fire: the darkness departed, and all was turned into light.
در نمکلان چون خر مرده فتاد ** آن خری و مردگی یک سو نهاد
When the dead ass fell into the salt-mine, it put aside asininity and mortality.
صبغة الله هست خم رنگ هو ** پیسها یک رنگ گردد اندر او1345
The baptism of Allah is the dyeing-vat of Hú (the Absolute God): therein (all) piebald things become of one colour.
چون در آن خم افتد و گوییش قم ** از طرب گوید منم خم لا تلم
When he (the mystic) falls into the vat, and you say to him, “Arise,” he says in rapture, “I am the vat: do not blame (me).”