That I may be made happy by the stroke of a part of the cow; (that I may) become well (whole), as (in the case of) the murdered man and the cow of Moses’.”
زنده شد کشته ز زخم دم گاو ** همچو مس از کیمیا شد زر ساو
The murdered man was revived by the stroke of the cow's tail: he became pure gold (in spirit), even as copper (is transmuted) by the elixir.
کشته بر جست و بگفت اسرار را ** وا نمود آن زمرهی خونخوار را1440
The murdered man sprang up and told the secrets: he revealed that bloodthirsty gang.
گفت روشن کاین جماعت کشتهاند ** کاین زمان در خصمیام آشفتهاند
He said plainly, “I was killed by these people who are now disturbed (with anger) in contending against me.”