او چنین خوش میخورد کز ذوق او ** طبعها شد مشتهی و لقمه جو
He (Luqmán) eats it with such pleasure that from his delight (all) natures have become eager and craving the morsel.”
چون بخورد از تلخیش آتش فروخت ** هم زبان کرد آبله هم حلق سوخت
As soon as he (the master) ate it, by its sourness there was kindled fire (which) blistered his tongue and burnt his throat.
ساعتی بیخود شد از تلخی آن ** بعد از آن گفتش که ای جان و جهان1520
He became beside himself for a while on account of its sourness; after that, he said to him, “O (you who are) soul and world,
نوش چون کردی تو چندین زهر را ** لطف چون انگاشتی این قهر را
How did you make all this poison an antidote? How did you deem this cruelty to be kindness?
این چه صبر است این صبوری از چه روست ** یا مگر پیش تو این جانت عدوست
What patience is this? For what reason is this great fortitude? Or, perchance, in your opinion this life of yours is an enemy (which you would fain destroy).
چون نیاوردی به حیلت حجتی ** که مرا عذری است بس کن ساعتی
Why did not you cunningly bring (forward) a plea, saying, ‘I have an excuse (for declining to eat): desist for a while’.”
گفت من از دست نعمت بخش تو ** خوردهام چندان که از شرمم دو تو
Luqmán said, “From thy munificent hand I have eaten so much that I am (bent) double with shame.
شرمم آمد که یکی تلخ از کفت ** من ننوشم ای تو صاحب معرفت1525
I was ashamed not to eat one bitter thing from thy hand, O thou who art possessed of knowledge.
چون همه اجزام از انعام تو ** رستهاند و غرق دانه و دام تو
Since all parts of me have grown from thy bounty and are plunged in thy bait and snare—
گر ز یک تلخی کنم فریاد و داد ** خاک صد ره بر سر اجزام باد
If I make outcry and complaint because of one bitter thing, may the dust of a hundred roads be on (all) parts of me!