یا رها کن تا نیایم در کلام ** یا بده دستور تا گویم تمام 1555
- (O God), either let me not come to speech (at all), or give me leave to tell (the whole) to the end.
ور نه این خواهی نه آن فرمان تراست ** کس چه داند مر ترا مقصد کجاست
- But if Thou willest neither this nor that, ’tis Thine to command: how should any one know what Thou intendest?
جان ابراهیم باید تا به نور ** بیند اندر نار فردوس و قصور
- One must needs have the spirit of Abraham to see in the fire Paradise and its palaces by the light (of mystic knowledge);
پایه پایه بر رود بر ماه و خور ** تا نماند همچو حلقه بند در
- And mount step by step above the moon and the sun, lest he remain like the door-ring fastened on the door;
چون خلیل از آسمان هفتمین ** بگذرد که لا أحب الآفلین
- And, like the Friend, pass beyond the Seventh Heaven, saying, “I love not them that set.”
این جهان تن غلط انداز شد ** جز مر آن را کاو ز شهوت باز شد 1560
- This bodily world is deceptive, save to him that has escaped from lust.
تتمهی حسد آن حشم بر آن غلام خاص
- Conclusion of (the story) how the (other) retainers envied the favourite slave.
قصهی شاه و امیران و حسد ** بر غلام خاص و سلطان خرد
- The story of the King and the amirs and their envy of the favourite slave and lord of wisdom
دور ماند از جر جرار کلام ** باز باید گشت و کرد آن را تمام
- Has been left far (behind) on account of the powerful attraction of the discourse.(Now) we must turn back and conclude it.
باغبان ملک با اقبال و بخت ** چون درختی را نداند از درخت
- The happy and fortunate gardener of the (Divine) kingdom — how should not he know one tree from another?
آن درختی را که تلخ و رد بود ** و آن درختی که یکش هفصد بود
- The tree that is bitter and reprobate, and the tree whose one is (as) seven hundred (of the other)—