این جهان تن غلط انداز شد ** جز مر آن را کاو ز شهوت باز شد 1560
- This bodily world is deceptive, save to him that has escaped from lust.
تتمهی حسد آن حشم بر آن غلام خاص
- Conclusion of (the story) how the (other) retainers envied the favourite slave.
قصهی شاه و امیران و حسد ** بر غلام خاص و سلطان خرد
- The story of the King and the amirs and their envy of the favourite slave and lord of wisdom
دور ماند از جر جرار کلام ** باز باید گشت و کرد آن را تمام
- Has been left far (behind) on account of the powerful attraction of the discourse.(Now) we must turn back and conclude it.
باغبان ملک با اقبال و بخت ** چون درختی را نداند از درخت
- The happy and fortunate gardener of the (Divine) kingdom — how should not he know one tree from another?
آن درختی را که تلخ و رد بود ** و آن درختی که یکش هفصد بود
- The tree that is bitter and reprobate, and the tree whose one is (as) seven hundred (of the other)—
کی برابر دارد اندر تربیت ** چون ببیندشان به چشم عاقبت 1565
- How, in rearing (them), should he deem (them) equal, when he beholds them with the eye (that is conscious) of the end,
کان درختان را نهایت چیست بر ** گر چه یکسانند این دم در نظر
- (And knows) what (different) fruit those trees will ultimately bear, though at this moment they are alike in appearance'?
شیخ کاو ینظر بنور الله شد ** از نهایت وز نخست آگاه شد
- The Shaykh who has become seeing by the light of God has become acquainted with the end and the beginning.
چشم آخر بین ببست از بهر حق ** چشم آخر بین گشاد اندر سبق
- He has shut for God's sake the eye that sees the stable (the world); he has opened,in priority, the eye that sees the end.
آن حسودان بد درختان بودهاند ** تلخ گوهر شور بختان بودهاند
- Those envious ones were bad trees; they were ill-fortuned ones of bitter stock.