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  • تو شدی بی‏هوش و افتادی به طاق ** بی‏خبر گفت اینت سالوس و نفاق‏
  • You become senseless and fall to vaunting (ecstatically); the ignorant (uninitiated) man says, “Here is fraud and hypocrisy.”
  • او چه می‏بیند در او این شور چیست ** او نداند کان نشان وصل کیست‏ 1700
  • How does he see what this enthusiasm in him (the enraptured person) is? He knows not (who it is) with whom that is the sign of union.
  • این نشان در حق او باشد که دید ** آن دگر را کی نشان آید پدید
  • This sign concerns (only) him that has seen (before): how should the sign appear to the other one?
  • هر زمان کز وی نشانی می‏رسید ** شخص را جانی به جانی می‏رسید
  • Every moment that a sign was coming from Him, a (new) spirit was coming into that person's spirit.
  • ماهی بی‏چاره را پیش آمد آب ** این نشانها تلک آیات الکتاب‏
  • Water has reached the helpless fish. These signs are (those mentioned in the text) those are the signs of the Book.
  • پس نشانیها که اندر انبیاست ** خاص آن جان را بود کاو آشناست‏
  • Hence the signs which are in the prophets are peculiar to (known exclusively by) him who is a friend (knower and lover of God).
  • این سخن ناقص بماند و بی‏قرار ** دل ندارم بی‏دلم معذور دار 1705
  • This discourse remains imperfect and unsettled; I have no heart (understanding), I am out of my mind: excuse me.
  • ذره‏ها را کی تواند کس شمرد ** خاصه آن کاو عشق عقل او ببرد
  • How can any one number the motes, especially that one whose understanding has been transported by Love?
  • می‏شمارم برگهای باغ را ** می‏شمارم بانگ کبک و زاغ را
  • Shall I number the leaves of the garden? Shall I number the cries of the partridge and the crow?
  • در شمار اندر نیاید لیک من ** می‏شمارم بهر رشد ممتحن‏
  • They come not into computation, but I enumerate them for the guidance of him that is put to trial.