بس ثنایت گفتمی ای خوش خصال ** گر مرا یک رمز میگفتی ز حال 1905
- I should have spoken much praise of you, O man of good qualities, if you had given me a single hint as to the (actual) case;
لیک خامش کرده میآشوفتی ** خامشانه بر سرم میکوفتی
- But you, keeping silence, showed perturbation and silently continued to beat me on the head.
شد سرم کالیوه عقل از سر بجست ** خاصه این سر را که مغزش کمتر است
- My head became dizzy, the wits flew out of my head— especially as this head has (but) little brain.
عفو کن ای خوب روی خوب کار ** آن چه گفتم از جنون اندر گذار
- Pardon, O man of goodly countenance and goodly behaviour: let pass that which I said in frenzy.”
گفت اگر من گفتمی رمزی از آن ** زهرهی تو آب گشتی آن زمان
- He answered, “If I had uttered a hint of it, your gall would instantly have turned to water.
گر ترا من گفتمی اوصاف مار ** ترس از جانت بر آوردی دمار 1910
- Had I told you the qualities of the snake, terror would have made you give up the ghost.”
مصطفی فرمود اگر گویم به راست ** شرح آن دشمن که در جان شماست
- Mustafá (Mohammed) said, ‘If I should tell aright the description of the enemy which is in your souls,
زهرههای پر دلان هم بر درد ** نه رود ره نه غم کاری خورد
- The gall-bladders even of courageous men would burst: he (such a one) would neither go his way nor care for any work.
نه دلش را تاب ماند در نیاز ** نه تنش را قوت روزه و نماز
- Neither would there remain to his heart endurance in supplication, nor to his body strength for fasting and (ritual) prayer.
همچو موشی پیش گربه لا شود ** همچو بره پیش گرگ از جا رود
- He would become (good for) nothing as a mouse before a cat; he would be distraught as a lamb before a wolf.