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  • چون که من از خال خوبش دم زنم ** نطق می‏خواهد که بشکافد تنم‏
  • When I breathe a word concerning His beauteous mole, my speech would fain burst my body.
  • همچو موری اندر این خرمن خوشم ** تا فزون از خویش باری می‏کشم‏
  • Like an ant, I am so happy in this granary that I am dragging a burden too great for me.
  • بسته شدن تقریر معنی حکایت به سبب میل مستمع به استماع ظاهر صورت حکایت‏
  • How the explanation of the (inner) meaning of the tale was stopped because of the hearer's desire to hear the superficial form of it.
  • کی گذارد آن که رشک روشنی است ** تا بگویم آن چه فرض و گفتنی است‏
  • When will He who is envied by Light allow me to tell that which is obligatory and ought to be told?
  • بحر کف پیش آرد و سدی کند ** جر کند و ز بعد جر مدی کند 195
  • The sea casts foam in front (of it) and makes a barrier: it draws back and after drawing back flows in (again).
  • این زمان بشنو چه مانع شد مگر ** مستمع را رفت دل جای دگر
  • Hear what has interfered (hindered my exposition) at the present time: methinks the hearer's mind has wandered elsewhere.
  • خاطرش شد سوی صوفی قنق ** اندر آن سودا فرو شد تا عنق‏
  • His thoughts have turned to the Súfí guest: he is sunk up to the neck (wholly absorbed) in that business.
  • لازم آمد باز رفتن زین مقال ** سوی آن افسانه بهر وصف حال‏
  • (Therefore) it behoves me to go back from this discourse to that story in order to describe what happened (to him).
  • صوفی آن صورت مپندار ای عزیز ** همچو طفلان تا کی از جوز و مویز
  • O dear friend, do not fancy the Súfí is the (external) form (which you behold): how long, like children, (will you be content) with walnuts and raisins?
  • جسم ما جوز و مویز است ای پسر ** گر تو مردی زین دو چیز اندر گذر 200
  • Our body is (as) walnuts and raisins, O son; if you are a man, relinquish these two things;
  • ور تو اندر نگذری اکرام حق ** بگذراند مر ترا از نه طبق‏
  • And (even) if you do not relinquish them (by your own act), the grace of God will enable you to pass beyond the nine tiers (of Heaven).