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  • هر ندایی که ترا بالا کشید ** آن ندا می‏دان که از بالا رسید
  • Every call that draws thee upward—know that that call has come from on high.
  • هر ندایی که ترا حرص آورد ** بانگ گرگی دان که او مردم درد
  • Every call that excites cupidity in thee—know that it is the howl of the wolf which tears men (to pieces).
  • این بلندی نیست از روی مکان ** این بلندیهاست سوی عقل و جان‏ 1960
  • This (afore-mentioned) height is not (high) in respect of position; these “heights” are towards (refer to) mind and spirit.
  • هر سبب بالاتر آمد از اثر ** سنگ و آهن فایق آمد بر شرر
  • Every cause is higher than the effect: the stone and iron (from which fire is struck) are superior to the sparks.
  • آن فلانی فوق آن سرکش نشست ** گر چه در صورت به پهلویش نشست‏
  • Such and such a person is (really) seated above that one who lifts up his head so haughtily, though in appearance he is seated beside him.
  • فوقی آن جاست از روی شرف ** جای دور از صدر باشد مستخف‏
  • The superiority of that (person's) place is in respect of (his spiritual) nobility; the place (that is) far from the (spiritual) seat of honour is held in slight regard.
  • سنگ و آهن زین جهت که سابق است ** در عمل فوقی این دو لایق است‏
  • Forasmuch as the stone and iron are prior in action, the superiority of these twain is proper;
  • و آن شرر از روی مقصودی خویش ** ز آهن و سنگ است زین رو پیش و بیش‏ 1965
  • But those sparks, in respect of their being the final cause, are from this point of view far in front of (superior to) the iron and stone.
  • سنگ و آهن اول و پایان شرر ** لیک این هر دو تنند و جان شرر
  • The stone and iron are first, and the sparks last; but these twain are the body, and the sparks are the soul.
  • آن شرر گر در زمان واپس‏تر است ** در صفت از سنگ و آهن برتر است‏
  • If those sparks are posterior in time, (yet) in quality they are higher than the stone and iron.