باز میگفت این گمان بد خطاست ** بر برادر این چنین ظنم چراست
- Again he would say, “It is wrong thus to think evil: why have I such thoughts against my brother?”
باز گفتی حزم سوء الظن تست ** هر که بد ظن نیست کی ماند درست
- Then he would say, “Prudence consists in your thinking evil: how shall he that thinks no evil remain unhurt?”
صوفی اندر وسوسه و آن خر چنان ** که چنین بادا جز ای دشمنان
- The Súfí was in (this) anxiety, and (meanwhile) the ass was in such a plight that—may it befall our enemies!
آن خر مسکین میان خاک و سنگ ** کژ شده پالان دریده پالهنگ 235
- That poor ass was amidst earth and stones, with his saddle crooked and his halter torn,
خسته از ره جملهی شب بیعلف ** گاه در جان کندن و گه در تلف
- Killed (exhausted) by the journey, without fodder all the night long, now at the last gasp and now perishing.
خر همه شب ذکر میکرد ای اله ** جو رها کردم کم از یک مشت کاه
- All night the ass was repeating, “O God, I give up the barley; (but am I to have) less than one handful of straw?”
با زبان حال میگفت ای شیوخ ** رحمتی که سوختم زین خام شوخ
- With mute eloquence he was saying, “O Shaykhs, (have) some pity, for I am consumed (with anguish) because of this raw impudent rogue.”
آن چه آن خر دید از رنج و عذاب ** مرغ خاکی بیند اندر سیل آب
- What that ass suffered of pain and torment, the land-bird suffers (the same) in a flood of water.
بس به پهلو گشت آن شب تا سحر ** آن خر بیچاره از جوع البقر 240
- (All) that night till dawn the wretched ass, from exceeding hunger, rolled frequently on his side.
روز شد خادم بیامد بامداد ** زود پالان جست بر پشتش نهاد
- Day rose. The servant came at morn and at once laid the saddle firmly on the ass's back.