همچو گبران من نجویم از بتی ** کاو بود حق یا خود از حق آیتی
I do not, like (idolatrous) infidels, seek (expect) from an idol that it should be God or even a sign from God.
من ز سرگین مینجویم بوی مشک ** من در آب جو نجویم خشت خشک
I do not seek the smell of musk from dung; I do not seek dry bricks in river water.
من ز شیطان این نجویم کاوست غیر ** که مرا بیدار گرداند به خیر
From Satan, who is other (than good), I do not look for this— that he should awaken me with good (intent).”
راست گفتن ابلیس ضمیر خود را به معاویه
How Iblís told truly his hidden thought to Mu‘áwiya—may God be well-pleased with him!
گفت بسیار آن بلیس از مکر و غدر ** میر از او نشنید کرد استیز و صبر
Iblís spoke many words of deceit and treachery, (but) the Amír hearkened not to him and strove (against him) and showed fortitude.
از بن دندان بگفتش بهر آن ** کردمت بیدار میدان ای فلان2765
(At length), with the bitterest pangs he (Iblís) said: “O such-and-such, know that I awakened you for the purpose
تا رسی اندر جماعت در نماز ** از پی پیغمبر دولت فراز
That you might join the congregation (of Moslems) in praying after the Prophet of high estate.
گر نماز از وقت رفتی مر ترا ** این جهان تاریک گشتی بیضیا
If the time of prayers had passed, this world would have become dark to you and without a gleam of light;
از غبین و درد رفتی اشکها ** از دو چشم تو مثال مشکها
(And then) from disappointment and grief tears would have flowed from your two eyes in the fashion of (water from) water-skins,
ذوق دارد هر کسی در طاعتی ** لاجرم نشکیبد از وی ساعتی
(Because) every one has delight in some act of devotion and consequently cannot bear to miss it (even) for a short while.
آن غبین و درد بودی صد نماز ** کو نماز و کو فروغ آن نیاز2770
That disappointment and grief would have been (as) a hundred prayers: what is (ritual) prayer in comparison with the (spiritual) glow of humble supplication?”
فضیلت حسرت خوردن آن مخلص بر فوت نماز جماعت
The excellence of the remorse felt by one who was sincere (in his devotion) for having missed the congregational prayers.