تا شود شب از جمالت همچو روز ** ای جمالت آفتاب جان فروز
- In order that by thy beauty night may be made like day, O thou whose beauty is a soul-illumining sun.”
ای دریغا کان سخن از دل بدی ** تا مراد آن نفر حاصل شدی
- Alas! would that those words had been from the heart, so that the desire of those folk might have been accomplished!
لطف کاید بیدل و جان در زبان ** همچو سبزهی تون بود ای دوستان 2840
- Courtesy that comes to the tongue without (sincerity of) heart and soul is like herbs on the ash-heap, O friends.
هم ز دورش بنگر و اندر گذر ** خوردن و بو را نشاید ای پسر
- Look at them from afar and pass on: they are not fit for eating or smelling, O son.
سوی لطف بیوفایان هین مرو ** کان پل ویران بود نیکو شنو
- Beware, do not go (incline) towards the courtesy of the faithless, for it is a ruined bridge: heed well (my warning).
گر قدم را جاهلی بر وی زند ** بشکند پل و آن قدم را بشکند
- If a fool set foot on it, the bridge will break, and will shatter that foot of his.
هر کجا لشکر شکسته میشود ** او دو سه سست مخنث میبود
- Wherever an army is routed, it is because of two or three effeminate weaklings.
در صف آید با سلاح او مردوار ** دل بر او بنهند کاینک یار غار 2845
- He (the poltroon) comes armed into the battle-line, like a man: they (the soldiers) put their trust in him, saying, “Here's the Comrade of the Cave.”
رو بگرداند چو بیند زخمها ** رفتن او بشکند پشت ترا
- He turns his face (in flight) when he sees wounds: his going breaks your back.
این دراز است و فراوان میشود ** و آن چه مقصود است پنهان میشود
- This (topic) is long and is expanding, and that which is aimed at is becoming hidden (from sight).
فریفتن منافقان پیغامبر را تا به مسجد ضرارش برند
- How the Hypocrites cajoled the Prophet—God bless and save him!—that they might take him to the Mosque of Opposition.