اشتری گم کردهای ای معتمد ** هر کسی ز اشتر نشانت میدهد
- You have lost a camel, O trusty (friend), and every one is giving you a clue to the camel.
تو نمیدانی که آن اشتر کجاست ** لیک دانی کاین نشانیها خطاست
- You know not where the camel is, but you know that these clues are wrong.
و انکه اشتر گم نکرد او از مری ** همچو آن گم کرده جوید اشتری 2975
- And he that has not lost a camel—he (too) in contention seeks a camel, just like him who has (really) lost it,
که بلی من هم شتر گم کردهام ** هر که یابد اجرتش آوردهام
- Saying, “Yes; I too have lost a camel: I have brought a reward for any one who may find it.”
تا در اشتر با تو انبازی کند ** بهر طمع اشتر این بازی کند
- (He says this) that he may take a partner's share with you in the camel: he plays this trick because of coveting the camel.
هر چه را گویی خطا بود آن نشان ** او به تقلید تو میگوید همان
- If you say to any one, “That clue was false,” he (the pretender), in imitation of you, says the same.
او نشان کژ بنشناسد ز راست ** لیک گفتت آن مقلد را عصاست
- He does not know wrong clues from right, but your words are a cue to that imitator.
چون نشان راست گویند و شبیه ** پس یقین گردد ترا لا ریب فیه 2980
- When they mention right and likely clues, then comes to you the certainty in which there is no doubt.
آن شفای جان رنجورت شود ** رنگ روی و صحت و زورت شود
- That (clue) becomes balm to your sick soul; it becomes (brings) colour to your face and health and strength to you.
چشم تو روشن شود پایت دوان ** جسم تو جان گردد و جانت روان
- Your eye becomes bright, your foot nimble; your body becomes (the vital) soul, and your (vital) soul (the rational) spirit.