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  • در چه مرگم چرا می‏افگنید ** از چه آخر تشنه‏ی خون منید
  • Why are ye casting me into the pit of death? Wherefore, pray, are ye thirsting after my blood?
  • چیست حکمت چه غرض در کشتنم ** چون چنین درویشم و عریان تنم‏ 3050
  • What is the wisdom, what is the object, in killing me, when I am so poor and bare-bodied?”
  • گفت تا هیبت بر این یارت زند ** تا بترسد او و زر پیدا کند
  • He (one of the Ghuzz) replied, “To strike awe into this friend of yours, so that he may be afraid and produce (his) gold.”
  • گفت آخر او ز من مسکین‏تر است ** گفت قاصد کرده است او را زر است‏
  • He (the man) said, “Why, he is poorer than I.” “He has done it (made himself out to be poor) on purpose,” replied the other; “he has gold.”
  • گفت چون وهم است ما هر دو یک‏ایم ** در مقام احتمال و در شک‏ایم‏
  • He (the man) said, “Since it is (a matter of) opinion, we are both the same: we are (equally) exposed to (mere) probability and doubt.
  • خود و را بکشید اول ای شهان ** تا بترسم من دهم زر را نشان‏
  • Kill him first, O princes, in order that I may be afraid and point out the way to the gold.”
  • پس کرمهای الهی بین که ما ** آمدیم آخر زمان در انتها 3055
  • See, then, the loving kindnesses of God, in that we have come (into the world) in the latter days, at the very end.
  • آخرین قرنها پیش از قرون ** در حدیث است آخرون السابقون‏
  • The last epoch is in front of the (other) epochs: in the Traditions of the Prophet is (the saying)—“(We are) the last (in time), the foremost (in excellence).”
  • تا هلاک قوم نوح و قوم هود ** عارض رحمت به جان ما نمود
  • In order that the destruction of the people of Noah and the people of Húd might display to our souls the face of (Divine) Mercy (who calls us to repentance),
  • کشت ایشان را که ما ترسیم از او ** ور خود این بر عکس کردی وای تو
  • He (God) slew them, that we might fear Him; and if indeed He had done contrariwise, alas for thee!
  • بیان حال خود پرستان و ناشکران در نعمت وجود انبیا و اولیا علیهم السلام‏
  • Explaining the state of those who are self-conceited and unthankful for the blessing of the existence of the prophets and saints—peace be unto them!