دوزخ و جنت همه اجزای اوست ** هر چه اندیشی تو او بالای اوست
- Hell and Paradise are entirely parts of him: he is beyond any thought that you may conceive (of him).
هر چه اندیشی پذیرای فناست ** آن که در اندیشه ناید آن خداست
- All that you may think of is liable to pass away; he that comes not into thought is God.
بر در این خانه گستاخی ز چیست ** گر همیدانند کاندر خانه کیست
- Wherefore (then do they behave with) presumption at the door of this house, if they know who is within the house?
ابلهان تعظیم مسجد میکنند ** در جفای اهل دل جد میکنند
- Fools venerate the mosque and exert themselves in maltreating them that have the heart (in which God dwells).
آن مجاز است این حقیقت ای خران ** نیست مسجد جز درون سروران 3110
- That (mosque) is phenomenal, this (heart) is real, O asses! The (true) mosque is naught but the hearts of the (spiritual) captains.
مسجدی کان اندرون اولیاست ** سجدهگاه جمله است آن جا خداست
- The mosque that is the inward (consciousness) of the saints is the place of worship for all: God is there.
تا دل مرد خدا نامد به درد ** هیچ قومی را خدا رسوا نکرد
- Until the heart of the man of God was grieved, never did God put any generation to shame.
قصد جنگ انبیا میداشتند ** جسم دیدند آدمی پنداشتند
- They were going to make war on the prophets: they saw the body (of the prophet), they supposed he was a man.
در تو هست اخلاق آن پیشینیان ** چون نمیترسی که تو باشی همان
- In thee are the moral natures of those peoples of yore: how art not thou afraid lest thou be the same (as they)?
آن نشانیها همه چون در تو هست ** چون تو زیشانی کجا خواهی برست 3115
- Forasmuch as all those marks are in thee, and thou art (one) of them, how wilt thou be saved?
قصهی جوحی و آن کودک که پیش جنازهی پدر خویش نوحه میکرد
- The story of Júhí and the child who cried lamentably beside his father's bier.