گفت پس از نقد پرسم نقد چند ** که تویی تنها رو و محبوب پند
- “Then,” said he, “I will ask about money. How much money (have you)?—for you are a solitary wanderer and one whose counsel is prized.
کیمیای مس عالم با تو است ** عقل و دانش را گهر تو بر تو است
- With you is the elixir which changes the copper of the world (into) gold: your understanding and knowledge are inlaid with pearls.”
گفت و الله نیست یا وجه العرب ** در همه ملکم وجوه قوت شب
- “By God,” he replied, “O chief of the Arabs, in my whole property there is not the means of (buying) food for the night.
پا برهنه تن برهنه میدوم ** هر که نانی میدهد آن جا روم
- I run about with bare feet and naked body. If any one will give me a loaf of bread—thither I go.
مر مرا زین حکمت و فضل و هنر ** نیست حاصل جز خیال و درد سر 3195
- From this wisdom and learning and excellence (of mind) I have got nothing but phantasy and headache.”
پس عرب گفتش که شو دور از برم ** تا نبارد شومی تو بر سرم
- Then the Arab said to him, “Begone far from my side, so that your ill-luck may not rain upon me.
دور بر آن حکمت شومت ز من ** نطق تو شرم است بر اهل زمن
- Take far away from me that unlucky wisdom of yours: your speech is unlucky for (all) the people of the time.
یا تو آن سو رو من این سو میدوم ** ور ترا ره پیش من واپس روم
- Either go you in that direction, and I will run in this direction; or if your way be forwards, I will go back.
یک جوالم گندم و دیگر ز ریگ ** به بود زین حیلههای مردهریگ
- One sack of wheat and the other of sand is better for me than these vain contrivings.
احمقیام بس مبارک احمقی است ** که دلم با برگ و جانم متقی است 3200
- My foolishness is a very blessed foolishness, for my heart is well furnished (with spiritual graces) and my soul is devout.”