لشکری را مرغکی چندی شکست ** تا بدانی کان صلابت از حق است
- A number of little birds broke an (entire) army—so that you may know that that strength is from God.
گر تو را وسواس آید زین قبیل ** رو بخوان تو سورهی اصحاب فیل
- If temptation of this kind come to you, go, read the Súra concerning the Possessors of the Elephant.
ور کنی با او مری و همسری ** کافرم دان گر تو ز ایشان سر بری 3435
- And if you contend and engage in rivalry with him (the saint), deem me an infidel if you save your head from them.
کشیدن موش مهار شتر را و متعجب شدن موش در خود
- How the mouse pulled (the rope attached to) the camel's nose-ring and became self conceited.
موشکی در کف مهار اشتری ** در ربود و شد روان او از مری
- A little mouse caught in his forelegs a camel's leading-rope and from emulation went off (with it).
اشتر از چستی که با او شد روان ** موش غره شد که هستم پهلوان
- By reason of the readiness with which the camel set out along with him, the mouse was duped into thinking himself a hero.
بر شتر زد پرتو اندیشهاش ** گفت بنمایم ترا تو باش خوش
- The ray of his thought struck the camel. He (the camel) said (aside), “I will show thee (presently)! Enjoy thyself!”
تا بیامد بر لب جوی بزرگ ** کاندر او گشتی زبون پیل سترگ
- (All went well) till he (the mouse) came to the bank of a great river, at which any lion or wolf would have lost heart.
موش آن جا ایستاد و خشک گشت ** گفت اشتر ای رفیق کوه و دشت 3440
- There the mouse stopped and became paralysed. The camel said, “O my companion o’er hill and plain,
این توقف چیست حیرانی چرا ** پا بنه مردانه اندر جو در آ
- What is this standing still (for)? Why art thou dismayed? Step (forward) like a man! Go into the river!
تو قلاووزی و پیش آهنگ من ** در میان ره مباش و تن مزن
- Thou art my guide and leader: don't halt midway and be dumbfounded!”