چون ملالم گیرد از سفلی صفات ** بر پرم همچون طیور الصافات
When disgust at the qualities of the low (world) seizes me, I soar up like the birds which spread their pinions.
پر من رسته ست هم از ذات خویش ** بر نچسبانم دو پر من با سریش
My wings have grown out of my very essence: I do not stick two wings on with glue.
جعفر طیار را پر جاریه ست ** جعفر عیار را پر عاریه ست3565
The wings of Ja‘far-i Tayyár are permanent; the wings of Ja‘far-i Tarrár are borrowed (unreal and transitory).
نزد آن که لم یذق دعوی است این ** نزد سکان افق معنی است این
In the view of him that has not experienced (it), this is (mere) pretension; in the view of the inhabitants of the (spiritual) horizon, this is the reality.
لاف و دعوی باشد این پیش غراب ** دیگ تی و پر یکی پیش ذباب
This is brag and pretension in the eyes of the crow: an empty or full pot is all one to the fly.
چون که در تو میشود لقمه گهر ** تن مزن چندان که بتوانی بخور
When morsels of food become (changed to) pearls within you, do not forbear: eat as much as you can.”
شیخ روزی بهر دفع سوء ظن ** در لگن قی کرد پر در شد لگن
One day the Shaykh, in order to rebut (these) ill thoughts, vomited in a basin, and the basin became full of pearls.
گوهر معقول را محسوس کرد ** پیر بینا بهر کم عقلی مرد3570
On account of the (abusive) man's little understanding, the clairvoyant Pír made the intelligible pearls objects of sense-perception.
چون که در معده شود پاکت پلید ** قفل نه بر حلق و پنهان کن کلید
When pure (lawful food) turns to impurity in your stomach, put a lock upon your gullet and hide the key;
هر که در وی لقمه شد نور جلال ** هر چه خواهد تا خورد او را حلال
(But) any one in whom morsels of food become the light of (spiritual) glory, let him eat whatever he will, it is lawful to him.
بیان دعویی که عین آن دعوی گواه صدق خویش است
Explaining (that there are) some assertions the truth of which is attested by their very nature.