رشتهی امید او بگسسته شد ** جستهی او عاقبت ناجسته شد
- The thread of his hope snapped, the thing he had sought became unsought in the end.
کرد عزم باز گشتن سوی شاه ** اشک میبارید و میبرید راه
- He resolved to return to the king, (and set out) shedding tears and traversing the way.
شرح کردن شیخ سر آن درخت را با آن طالب مقلد
- How the Shaykh explained the hidden meaning of the tree to the seeker who was in the bondage of formalism.
بود شیخی عالمی قطبی کریم ** اندر آن منزل که آیس شد ندیم
- There was a wise Shaykh, a noble Qutb, at the halting-place where the king's intimate fell into despair.
گفت من نومید پیش او روم ** ز آستان او به راه اندر شوم 3660
- He (the envoy) said, “Being without hope, I will go to him, and set out on the road (again) from his threshold,
تا دعای او بود همراه من ** چون که نومیدم من از دل خواه من
- In order that his prayer (blessing) may accompany me, since I have no hope of (winning) my heart's desire.”
رفت پیش شیخ با چشم پر آب ** اشک میبارید مانند سحاب
- With tearful eyes he went to the Shaykh: he was raining tears, like a cloud.
گفت شیخا وقت رحم و رقت است ** ناامیدم وقت لطف این ساعت است
- “O Shaykh,” he cried, “it is the time for mercy and pity; I am in despair: now is the time for kindness.”
گفت وا گو کز چه نومیدیستت ** چیست مطلوب تو رو با چیستت
- He (the Shaykh) said, “Say plainly what is the cause of thy despair: what is thy object? what hast thou in view?”
گفت شاهنشاه کردم اختیار ** از برای جستن یک شاخسار 3665
- He answered, “The Emperor chose me out to seek a certain branching tree,
که درختی هست نادر در جهات ** میوهی او مایهی آب حیات
- For there is a tree, unique in (all) the quarters (of the world): its fruit is (of) the substance of the Water of Life.