لوت خوردند و سماع آغاز کرد ** خانقه تا سقف شد پر دود و گرد
They ate the viands and began the samá‘ (musical dance); the monastery was filled with smoke and dust up to the roof—
دود مطبخ گرد آن پا کوفتن ** ز اشتیاق و وجد جان آشوفتن530
The smoke of the kitchen, the dust of (raised by) beating the feet (dancing), the tumult (caused) by longing and ecstasy of spirit.
گاه دست افشان قدم میکوفتند ** گه به سجده صفه را میروفتند
Now, waving their hands, they would beat (the ground with) their feet; now, in (religious) prostration, they would sweep the dais (with their foreheads).
دیر یابد صوفی آز از روزگار ** ز آن سبب صوفی بود بسیار خوار
(Only) after long (waiting) does the Súfí gain his desire (the satisfaction of his appetite) from Fortune: for that reason the Súfí is a great eater;
جز مگر آن صوفیی کز نور حق ** سیر خورد او فارغ است از ننگ دق
Except, to be sure, the Súfí who has eaten his fill of the Light of God: he is free from the shame of beggary;
از هزاران اندکی زین صوفیند ** باقیان در دولت او میزیند
(But) of these Súfís there are (only) a few among thousands; the rest are living in (under the protection of) his (the perfect Súfí's spiritual) empire.
چون سماع آمد از اول تا کران ** مطرب آغازید یک ضرب گران535
When the samá‘ had come (run its course) from beginning to end, the minstrel struck up a heavy (deep-sounding) strain.
خر برفت و خر برفت آغاز کرد ** زین حراره جمله را انباز کرد
He commenced (to sing), "The ass is gone, and the ass is gone": he made the whole (company) sharers in this ditty.
زین حراره پای کوبان تا سحر ** کفزنان خر رفت و خر رفت ای پسر
From this enthusiasm (they continued) beating their feet (dancing) to this ditty till dawn, clapping their hands (and singing), "The ass is gone, the ass is gone!"
از ره تقلید آن صوفی همین ** خر برفت آغاز کرد اندر حنین
By way of imitation that Súfí began (to sing) in (tones of) impassioned feeling this same (phrase), “The ass is gone.”