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  • ز انکه آن تقلید صوفی از طمع ** عقل او بر بست از نور و لمع‏ 570
  • Because the Súfí's imitation, (which arose) from desire, debarred his understanding from the light and radiance.
  • طمع لوت و طمع آن ذوق و سماع ** مانع آمد عقل او را ز اطلاع‏
  • Desire for the viands and desire for that delight (shown by the Súfís) and for the samá‘ hindered his understanding from (gaining) knowledge (of what had happened).
  • گر طمع در آینه برخاستی ** در نفاق آن آینه چون ماستی‏
  • If desire were to arise in the mirror, that mirror would be like us in (respect of) hypocrisy.
  • گر ترازو را طمع بودی به مال ** راست کی گفتی ترازو وصف حال‏
  • If the balance had desire for riches, how would the balance give a true description of the case?
  • هر نبیی گفت با قوم از صفا ** من نخواهم مزد پیغام از شما
  • Every prophet has said in sincerity to his people, “I ask not from you the wages for my message.
  • من دلیلم حق شما را مشتری ** داد حق دلالیم هر دو سری‏ 575
  • I am (only) a guide; God is your purchaser: God has appointed me to act as broker on both sides.
  • چیست مزد کار من دیدار یار ** گر چه خود بو بکر بخشد چل هزار
  • What are the wages for my work? The sight of the Friend (God), even though Abú Bakr give me forty thousand (dirhems).
  • چل هزار او نباشد مزد من ** کی بود شبه شبه در عدن‏
  • My wages are not his forty thousand (dirhems): how should glass beads be like the pearls of Aden?”
  • یک حکایت گویمت بشنو به هوش ** تا بدانی که طمع شد بند گوش‏
  • I will tell you a story: listen to it attentively, that you may know that selfish desire is a plug in the ear.
  • هر که را باشد طمع الکن شود ** با طمع کی چشم و دل روشن شود
  • Whosoever hath (such) desire becomes a stammerer (morally confused); with desire (present), how should the (spiritual) eye and the heart become bright?