پس فقیر آن است کاو بیواسطه ست ** شعلهها را با وجودش رابطه ست835
The dervish, then, is he that has no intermediary: the flames have (direct) connexion with his being.
پس دل عالم وی است ایرا که تن ** میرسد از واسطهی این دل به فن
Therefore he is the heart of the world, because by means of this heart the body attains to (its proper) art (function).
دل نباشد، تن چه داند گفتوگو ** دل نجوید، تن چه داند جستجو
(If) the heart be not there, how can the body talk and speak? (If) the heart seek not, how can the body seek and search?
پس نظرگاه شعاع آن آهن است ** پس نظرگاه خدا دل نی تن است
Therefore the theatre of the (Divine) rays is that iron; therefore the theatre of God is the heart, not the body.
باز این دلهای جزوی چون تن است ** با دل صاحب دلی کاو معدن است
Again, these partial (individual) hearts are as the body in relation to the heart of the man of heart (the perfect saint), which is the original source.
بس مثال و شرح خواهد این کلام ** لیک ترسم تا نلغزد وهم عام840
This argument wants much illustration and exposition, but I fear lest the opinion of the vulgar should stumble (and fall into error),
تا نگردد نیکویی ما بدی ** اینکه گفتم هم نبد جز بیخودی
(And) lest my goodness should be turned (by them) to badness;—even this that I have spoken was (from) naught but selflessness.
پای کج را کفش کج بهتر بود ** مر گدا را دستگه بر در بود
The crooked shoe is better for the crooked foot; the beggar's power reaches only as far as the door.
امتحان پادشاه به آن دو غلام که نو خریده بود
How the King made trial of the two slaves whom he had recently purchased.
پادشاهی دو غلام ارزان خرید ** با یکی ز آن دو سخن گفت و شنید
A King bought two slaves cheap, and conversed with one of the twain.
یافتش زیرک دل و شیرین جواب ** از لب شکر چه زاید شکر آب
He found him quick-witted and answering sweetly: what issues from the sugar-lip? Sugar-water.