کفک میانداخت چون اشتر ز کام ** قطرهای بر هر که زد میشد جذام
- From its palate it cast out foam, like a camel: whomsoever a drop hit, he was smitten with tubercular leprosy.
ژغژغ دندان او دل میشکست ** جان شیران سیه میشد ز دست 1105
- The gnashing of its teeth would break the heart; the souls of black lions would be distraught (with terror).
چون به قوم خود رسید آن مجتبی ** شدق او بگرفت باز او شد عصا
- When that chosen one (Moses) reached his kinsfolk, he took hold of the corner of its mouth, and it became again a staff.
تکیه بر وی کرد و میگفت ای عجب ** پیش ما خورشید و پیش خصم شب
- He leaned upon it, saying, “O wonder! to me (’tis clear as) the sun, to my enemy (’tis dark as) night.
ای عجب چون مینبیند این سپاه ** عالمی پر آفتاب چاشتگاه
- O wonder! How doth this host not see a whole world filled with the morning sun?
چشم باز و گوش باز و این ذکا ** خیرهام در چشمبندی خدا
- Eyes open, and ears open, and this sun! I am amazed at God's eye-bandaging.
من ازیشان خیره ایشان هم ز من ** از بهاری خار ایشان من سمن 1110
- I am amazed at them, and they too at me: (we are) from one springtime, (but) they are thorns and I am jasmine.
پیششان بردم بسی جام رحیق ** سنگ شد آبش به پیش این فریق
- I bore to them many a cup of pure wine: its juice turned to stone before this company.
دسته گل بستم و بردم به پیش ** هر گلی چون خار گشت و نوش نیش
- I twined a handful of roses and carried it to them: every rose became as a thorn, and the honey turned to poison.
آن نصیب جان بیخویشان بود ** چونک با خویشاند پیدا کی شود
- That (pure wine) is the portion allotted to the selfless: since they are with themselves (not freed from self), how should it be shown (to them)?