از سیاهی و سپیدی فارغست ** نور ماهش بر دل و جان بازغست
It is free from blackness and whiteness: the light of its moon rises (and shines) upon heart and soul.
این سیاه و این سپید ار قدر یافت ** زان شب قدرست کاختروار تافت
If this black and white’ has gotten (any) power (value), ‘tis from the Night of Power that shone forth like a star.
قیمت همیان و کیسه از زرست ** بی ز زر همیان و کیسه ابترست
The value of scrip and purse is (derived) from the gold: with out the gold, scrip and purse are docked
همچنانک قدر تن از جان بود ** قدر جان از پرتو جانان بود2535
Even as the worth of the body is (derived) from the soul, (so) the worth of the soul is (derived) from the radiance of the Soul of souls.
گر بدی جان زنده بی پرتو کنون ** هیچ گفتی کافران را میتون
If the soul were now alive without (that) radiance, would He (God) ever have called the infidels “dead”
هین بگو که ناطقه جو میکند ** تا به قرنی بعد ما آبی رسد
Come, speak (O my soul)! for the Logos is digging a channel to the end that some water may reach a generation after us.
گرچه هر قرنی سخنآری بود ** لیک گفت سالفان یاری بود
Although (in) every generation there is one who brings the word (of God), yet the sayings of them that have gone before are helpful
نه که هم توریت و انجیل و زبور ** شد گواه صدق قرآن ای شکور
Is it not (the case) that the Pentateuch and the Gospel and the Psalms have borne witness to the truth of theQur’an, O thankful one?
روزی بیرنج جو و بیحساب ** کز بهشتت آورد جبریل سیب2540
Seek a (spiritual) livelihood (won) without toil and without reckoning, so that Gabriel may bring you apples from Paradise;
بلک رزقی از خداوند بهشت ** بیصداع باغبان بی رنج کشت
Nay, (that there may come to you) a livelihood from the Lord of Paradise, without headache (trouble) on the part of the gardener and without the toil of sowing.