کیست کو نشنید آن طوفان نوح ** یا مصاف لشکر فرعون و روح 2820
- Who is there that has not heard of the Flood of Noah, or of the battle of Pharaoh's host with the Spirit?
روحشان بشکست و اندر آب ریخت ** ذره ذره آبشان بر میگسیخت
- The Spirit routed them and cast them pell-mell into the water: the water was shattering them to atoms.
کیست کو نشنید احوال ثمود ** و آنک صرصر عادیان را میربود
- Who is there that has not heard what happened to Thamúd and how the sarsar wind swept the ‘Ádites away?
چشم باری در چنان پیلان گشا ** که بدندی پیلکش اندر وغا
- Open thine eyes for once (and look) upon such elephants (mighty prophets), who were killers of elephants (tyrants) in war.
آنچنان پیلان و شاهان ظلوم ** زیر خشم دل همیشه در رجوم
- Such elephants and unjust kings as those are always in excommunication under the wrath of the (prophet's) heart.
تا ابد از ظلمتی در ظلمتی ** میروند و نیست غوثی رحمتی 2825
- Unto everlasting they go from a darkness to a darkness, and there is no succour, no mercy.
نام نیک و بد مگر نشنیدهاید ** جمله دیدند و شما نادیدهاید
- Perchance ye have not heard the name of good and evil. All have seen, and ye are seeing not.
دیده را نادیده میآرید لیک ** چشمتان را وا گشاید مرگ نیک
- Ye feign not to see the visible, but death will open your eyes well.
گیر عالم پر بود خورشید و نور ** چون روی در ظلمتی مانند گور
- Suppose the world is full of sun and light: when thou goest into a darkness like the grave,
بی نصیب آیی از آن نور عظیم ** بستهروزن باشی از ماه کریم
- Thou becomest without (any) share in that great light; thou art window-shut to the bounteous moon.