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  • پیش پیش آن جنازه‌ت می‌دود ** مونس گور و غریبی می‌شود
  • It runs before your hearse and becomes your companion in the tomb and in the state where all is strange.
  • بهر روز مرگ این دم مرده باش ** تا شوی با عشق سرمد خواجه‌تاش 3760
  • For the sake of your death-day be dead (to self), now, so that you may be (united) with everlasting Love, O fellow-servant.
  • صبر می‌بیند ز پرده‌ی اجتهاد ** روی چون گلنار و زلفین مراد
  • Through the curtain of the struggle (against self) renunciation sees the face like a pomegranate-flower and the two tresses of the Desired One.
  • غم چو آیینه‌ست پیش مجتهد ** کاندرین ضد می‌نماید روی ضد
  • Sorrow is as a mirror before the struggler, for in this contrary there appears the face of the (other) contrary.
  • بعد ضد رنج آن ضد دگر ** رو دهد یعنی گشاد و کر و فر
  • After the (one) contrary, (which is) pain, the other contrary, that is, gladness and triumph, shows its face.
  • این دو وصف از پنجه‌ی دستت ببین ** بعد قبض مشت بسط آید یقین
  • Observe these two qualities (contraction and expansion) in the fingers of your hand: assuredly after the closing of the fist comes the opening.
  • پنجه را گر قبض باشد دایما ** یا همه بسط او بود چون مبتلا 3765
  • If the fingers be always closed or entirely (invariably) open, he (their owner) is like an afflicted person.
  • زین دو وصفش کار و مکسب منتظم ** چون پر مرغ این دو حال او را مهم
  • His work and action is regulated by these two qualities: these two conditions are (as) important for him as the bird's wings (to the bird).
  • چونک مریم مضطرب شد یک زمان ** همچنانک بر زمین آن ماهیان
  • When Mary was all at once dismayed, like those fishes on land,
  • گفتن روح القدس مریم راکی من رسول حقم به تو آشفته مشو و پنهان مشو از من کی فرمان اینست
  • [How the Holy Spirit said to Mary, “I am sent to thee by God: be not agitated and do not hide from me, for this is the (Divine) command.”]
  • بانگ بر وی زد نمودار کرم ** که امین حضرتم از من مرم
  • The Exemplar of (Divine) Bounty cried out to her, “I am the trusted (messenger) of the Lord: be not afraid of me.