شکرها و حمدها بر میشمرد ** تا که شکر از حد و اندازه ببرد
- He was reciting expressions of gratitude and praise till he carried gratitude beyond bound and limit.
پس بگفتندش که احوال نژند ** بر دروغ تو گواهی میدهند
- Then they said to him, “Thy wretched guise bears witness to thy mendacity.
تن برهنه سر برهنه سوخته ** شکر را دزدیده یا آموخته
- (Thou art) naked, bare-headed, consumed (with afflictions): thou hast stolen (these) expressions of gratitude or learned (them by rote).
کو نشان شکر و حمد میر تو ** بر سر و بر پای بی توفیر تو 1745
- Where are the signs of the gratitude and praise due to thy prince on thy unplenished head and feet?
گر زبانت مدح آن شه میتند ** هفت اندامت شکایت میکند
- If thy tongue is weaving (making up) praise of that king, (yet) thy seven members are complaining (of him).
در سخای آن شه و سلطان جود ** مر ترا کفشی و شلواری نبود
- In the generosity of that king and sultan of munificence was there not (room for) a pair of shoes and trousers for thee?”
گفت من ایثار کردم آنچ داد ** میر تقصیری نکرد از افتقاد
- He replied, “I gave away what he bestowed: the prince left nothing undone in the way of solicitude.
بستدم جمله عطاها از امیر ** بخش کردم بر یتیم و بر فقیر
- I received all the presents from the prince and distributed them among the orphans and the poor.
مال دادم بستدم عمر دراز ** در جزا زیرا که بودم پاکباز 1750
- I gave the riches away and received long (everlasting) life in return, because I was utterly self-sacrificing.”
پس بگفتندش مبارک مال رفت ** چیست اندر باطنت این دود نفت
- Then they said to him, “Bless thee! the riches are gone: what (then) is this naphtha-smoke within thee?