برکنار بامی ای مست مدام ** پست بنشین یا فرود آ والسلام
- O you who are drunken with the wine (of love), you are on the edge of the roof: sit down or (else) descend, and peace be with you!
هر زمانی که شدی تو کامران ** آن دم خوش را کنار بام دان
- Every moment when you enjoy (union with the Beloved), deem that delightful moment to be the edge of the roof.
بر زمان خوش هراسان باش تو ** همچو گنجش خفیه کن نه فاش تو
- Be trembling for (fear of losing) the delightful moment: conceal it like a treasure, do not divulge it.
تا نیاید بر ولا ناگه بلا ** ترس ترسان رو در آن مکمن هلا
- Lest calamity suddenly befall (your) plighted love, take heed, go very fearfully into that place of ambush.
ترس جان در وقت شادی از زوال ** زان کنار بام غیبست ارتحال 2150
- The spirit's fear of loss at the moment of enjoyment is (the sign of its) departure (descent) from the hidden roof-edge.
گر نمیبینی کنار بام راز ** روح میبیند که هستش اهتزاز
- If you do not see the mysterious roof-edge, (yet) the spirit is seeing, for it is shuddering (with fear).
هر نکالی ناگهان کان آمدست ** بر کنار کنگرهی شادی بدست
- Every sudden chastisement that has come to pass has taken place on the edge of the turret of enjoyment.
جز کنار بام خود نبود سقوط ** اعتبار از قوم نوح و قوم لوط
- Indeed there is no fall except (on) the edge of the roof: (take) warning from (the fate of) the people of Noah and the people of Lot.
بیان سبب فصاحت و بسیارگویی آن فضول به خدمت رسول علیهالسلام
- Explaining the cause of the eloquence and loquacity of that impertinent man in the presence of the Prophet, on whom be peace.
پرتو مستی بیحد نبی ** چون بزد هم مست و خوش گشت آن غبی
- When the ray (reflexion) of the Prophet's boundless intoxication struck (the objector), that stupid fellow also became drunken and merry.
لاجرم بسیارگو شد از نشاط ** مست ادب بگذاشت آمد در خباط 2155
- Of course, in consequence of (drunken) glee he became loquacious: the intoxicated man neglected (to observe) respect and began to rave.