زانک ظلمانیست سنگ و روزکور ** هست ظلمانی حقیقت ضد نور
For the stone is dark and blind to the day (-light): the dark is essentially opposed to light.
خویشتن را دوست دارد کافرست ** زانک او مناع شمس اکبرست
(If) it love itself, it is an infidel, because it offers intense resistance to the supreme Sun.
پس نشاید که بگوید سنگ انا ** او همه تاریکیست و در فنا
Therefore ’tis not fitting that the stone should say “I,” (for) it is wholly darkness and in (the state of) death.
گفت فرعونی انا الحق گشت پست ** گفت منصوری اناالحق و برست 2035
A Pharaoh said “I am God” and was laid low; a Mansúr (Halláj) said “I am God” and was saved.
آن انا را لعنة الله در عقب ** وین انا را رحمةالله ای محب
The former “I” is followed by God's curse and the latter “I” by God's mercy, O loving man;
زانک او سنگ سیه بد این عقیق ** آن عدوی نور بود و این عشیق
For that one (Pharaoh) was a black stone, this one (Halláj) a cornelian; that one was an enemy to the Light, and this one passionately enamoured (of it).
این انا هو بود در سر ای فضول ** ز اتحاد نور نه از رای حلول
This “I,” O presumptuous meddler, was “He” (God) in the inmost consciousness, through oneness with the Light, not through (belief in) the doctrine of incarnation.
جهد کن تا سنگیت کمتر شود ** تا به لعلی سنگ تو انور شود
Strive that thy stony nature may be diminished, so that thy stone may become resplendent with the qualities of the ruby.
صبر کن اندر جهاد و در عنا ** دم به دم میبین بقا اندر فنا 2040
Show fortitude in (enduring) self-mortification and affliction; continually behold everlasting life in dying to self.
وصف سنگی هر زمان کم میشود ** وصف لعلی در تو محکم میشود
(Then) thy stoniness will become less at every moment, the nature of the ruby will be strengthened in thee.