فعل و قول آن بول رنجوران بود ** که طبیب جسم را برهان بود
Act and word are (as) the urine of the sick, which is clear evidence for the physician of the body.
وآن طبیب روح در جانش رود ** وز ره جان اندر ایمانش رود
But the spiritual physician enters into his (patient's) soul and by the spiritual way penetrates into his (inmost) belief.
حاجتش ناید به فعل و قول خوب ** احذروهم هم جواسیس القلوب 240
He hath no need of fine acts and words: “beware of them (the spiritual physicians), they are spies on (men's) hearts.”
این گواه فعل و قول از وی بجو ** کو به دریا نیست واصل همچو جو
Demand this testimony of acts and words from him (only) who is not united with the Sea like a river.
در بیان آنک نور خود از اندرون شخص منور بیآنک فعلی و قولی بیان کند گواهی دهد بر نور وی در بیان آنک آننور خود را از اندرون سر عارف ظاهر کند بر خلقان بیفعل عارف و بیقول عارف افزون از آنک به قول و فعل او ظاهر شود چنانک آفتاب بلند شود بانگ خروس و اعلام مذن و علامات دیگر حاجت نیاید
Explaining that the light itself from within the illumined person bears witness to his light, without any act or word declaring it.
لیک نور سالکی کز حد گذشت ** نور او پر شد بیابانها و دشت
But the (inner) light of the traveller (mystic) who has passed beyond the pale (of selfhood)—the deserts and plains are filled with his radiance.
شاهدیاش فارغ آمد از شهود ** وز تکلفها و جانبازی و جود
(The fact of) his being a witness (to God) is independent of witnesses and works of supererogation and of self-devotion and self-sacrifice.
نور آن گوهر چو بیرون تافتست ** زین تسلسها فراغت یافتست
Since the light of that (spiritual) substance has shone forth, he has gained independence of these hypocrisies.
پس مجو از وی گواه فعل و گفت ** که ازو هر دو جهان چون گل شکفت 245
Therefore do not demand of him the testimony of act and speech, for through him both the worlds have blossomed like a rose.
این گواهی چیست اظهار نهان ** خواه قول و خواه فعل و غیر آن
What is this testimony? The making manifest of that which is hidden, whether (by) word or act or something else;
که عرض اظهار سر جوهرست ** وصف باقی وین عرض بر معبرست
For its object is to make manifest the inward nature of the spiritual substance: the attributes (of that substance) are permanent, though these accidents (such as acts and words) are fleeting.