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  • گرچه آن مطعوم جانست و نظر  ** جسم را هم زان نصیبست ای پسر 
  • Although that (Light) is the food of the spirit and the (spiritual) sight, the body too partakes of it, O son.
  • گر نگشتی دیو جسم آن را اکول  ** اسلم الشیطان نفرمودی رسول 
  • If the devilish body had not become fond of eating it, the Prophet would not have said, “The devil accepted Islam.”
  • دیو زان لوتی که مرده حی شود  ** تا نیاشامد مسلمان کی شود  290
  • How should the devil become a Moslem until it drink of the sweet food by which the dead is made living?
  • دیو بر دنیاست عاشق کور و کر  ** عشق را عشقی دگر برد مگر 
  • The devil is passionately in love with the world, blind and deaf; (but this) love, no doubt, may be cut off by another love.
  • از نهان‌خانه‌ی یقین چون می‌چشد  ** اندک‌اندک رخت عشق آنجا کشد 
  • When it tastes the wine from the cellar of clairvoyance, little by little it will transfer its love thither.
  • یا حریص االبطن عرج هکذا  ** انما المنهاج تبدیل الغذا 
  • O thou whose belly is greedy, turn away thus (from the world): the only method is change of food.
  • یا مریض القلب عرج للعلاج  ** جملة التدبیر تبدیل المزاج 
  • O thou whose heart is sick, turn to the remedy: the entire regimen is change of disposition.
  • ایها المحبوس فی رهن الطعام  ** سوف تنجو ان تحملت الفطام  295
  • O thou who art kept in pawn to food, thou wilt escape if thou suffer thyself to be weaned.
  • ان فی‌الجوع طعام وافر  ** افتقدها وارتج یا نافر 
  • Verily, in hunger there is plenteous food: search after it diligently and cherish the hope (of finding it), O shrinker.
  • اغتذ بالنور کن مثل البصر  ** وافق الاملاک یا خیر البشر 
  • Feed on the Light, be like the eye, be in accord with the angels, O best of mankind.