در ده ای ساقی یکی رطلی گران ** خواجه را از ریش و سبلت وا رهان
- Hand (him) a heavy (large) goblet, O cup-bearer: deliver the Khwája from his beard and moustache.
نخوتش بر ما سبالی میزند ** لیک ریش از رشک ما بر میکند
- His arrogance is (contemptuously) curling a moustache at us, but he is (really) tearing out his beard in envy of us.
مات او و مات او و مات او ** که همیدانیم تزویرات او
- (He is) mated by Him (God), mated by Him, mated by Him, for we are acquainted with his impostures.
از پس صد سال آنچ آید ازو ** پیر میبیند معین مو به مو 2025
- The Pír is seeing distinctly, hair by hair, what will become of him (the Khwája) after a hundred years.
اندر آیینه چه بیند مرد عام ** که نبیند پیر اندر خشت خام
- What does the common man see in the mirror that the Pír does not see in the crude brick (of iron)?
آنچ لحیانی به خانهی خود ندید ** هست بر کوسه یکایک آن پدید
- That which the bushy-bearded man never saw in his own house is apparent at once to him who has but a few hairs on his chin.
رو به دریایی که ماهیزادهای ** همچو خس در ریش چون افتادهای
- Go to the Sea of whose fish thou art born: how hast thou fallen, like rubbish, into the beard?
خس نهای دور از تو رشک گوهری ** در میان موج و بحر اولیتری
- Thou art not rubbish—far be it from thee! Thou art an object of envy to the pearl: thou hast the best right (to dwell) amidst the waves and the sea.
بحر وحدانست جفت و زوج نیست ** گوهر و ماهیش غیر موج نیست 2030
- ’Tis the Sea of Unity: there is no fellow or consort: its pearls and fishes are not other than its waves.
ای محال و ای محال اشراک او ** دور از آن دریا و موج پاک او
- Oh, absurd, absurd to make (aught) its partner. Far be it from that Sea and its pure waves!