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  • بعد نه سال آمد او هم عاریه  ** گشت پیدا باز شد متواریه 
  • After nine years he came (back) temporarily: he appeared and (then) disappeared again.
  • یک مهی مهمان فرزندان خویش  ** بود و زان پس کس ندیدش رنگ بیش 
  • He was the guest of his children for one month, and after that nobody saw any more of him.
  • برد هم جنسی پریانش چنان  ** که رباید روح را زخم سنان  2980
  • (Inward) homogeneity with the peris carried him off, just as a spear-thrust ravishes the spirit (from the body).
  • چون بهشتی جنس جنت آمدست  ** هم ز جنسیت شود یزدان‌پرست 
  • Since one who is destined for Paradise is (inwardly) homogeneous with Paradise, on account of homogeneity he also becomes a worshipper of God.
  • نه نبی فرمود جود و محمده  ** شاخ جنت دان به دنیا آمده 
  • Has not the Prophet said, “Know that liberality and virtue are (drooping) branches of (the trees in) Paradise (and have) come (have been let down) into this world”?
  • مهرها را جمله جنس مهر خوان  ** قهرها را جمله جنس قهر دان 
  • Declare all loves to be homogeneous with (Divine) Love; deem all wraths to be homogeneous with (Divine) Wrath.
  • لاابالی لا ابالی آورد  ** زانک جنس هم بوند اندر خرد 
  • The reckless man gets a reckless man (as his comrade), because they are congenial in respect of their understanding.
  • بود جنسیت در ادریس از نجوم  ** هشت سال او با زحل بد در قدوم  2985
  • The congeniality (spiritual affinity) in Idrís was (derived) from the stars: for eight years he was coming along with Saturn.
  • در مشارق در مغارب یار او  ** هم‌حدیث و محرم آثار او 
  • He was his (Saturn's) companion in the East and in the West; (he was) his partner in conversation and familiar with his characteristics.
  • بعد غیبت چونک آورد او قدوم  ** در زمین می‌گفت او درس نجوم 
  • When after his absence (from the body) he arrived (on earth), on the earth he was always giving lessons in astronomy.