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  • در شب ار خفاش از کرمیست مست  ** کرم از خورشید جنبنده شدست 
  • If the bat is intoxicated with (the pleasure of eating) a worm during the night, (yet it is) by the Sun (that) the worm has been caused to move.
  • آفتابی که ضیا زو می‌زهد  ** دشمن خود را نواله می‌دهد  3395
  • The Sun whence radiance gushes forth is giving food to his enemy.
  • لیک شهبازی که او خفاش نیست  ** چشم بازش راست‌بین و روشنیست 
  • But (in the case of) the royal falcon which is not a bat and whose falcon-eye is seeing truly and is clear,
  • گر به شب جوید چو خفاش او نمو  ** در ادب خورشید مالد گوش او 
  • If it, like the bat, seek increase (of sustenance) during the night, the Sun will rub its ear (chastise it) in correction,
  • گویدش گیرم که آن خفاش لد  ** علتی دارد ترا باری چه شد 
  • And will say to it, “I grant that the perverse bat has an infirmity, (but) anyhow what is the matter with you?
  • مالشت بدهم به زجر از اکتیاب  ** تا نتابی سر دگر از آفتاب 
  • I will chastise you severely with affliction, in order that you may not again turn your head away from the Sun.”
  • ماخذه‌ی یوسف صدیق صلوات‌الله علیه به حبس بضع سنین به سبب یاری خواستن از غیر حق و گفتن اذکرنی عند ربک مع تقریره 
  • How Joseph the Siddíq (truthful witness)—the blessings of God be upon him!—was punished with imprisonment “for several years” because of his seeking help from another than God and saying (to him), “Mention me in thy lord's presence,” together with the exposition thereof.
  • آنچنان که یوسف از زندانیی  ** با نیازی خاضعی سعدانیی  3400
  • That is like Joseph's (asking help) of a (fellow-) prisoner, a needy abject groundling.
  • خواست یاری گفت چون بیرون روی  ** پیش شه گردد امورت مستوی 
  • He besought him for help and said, “When you come out (of prison), your affairs will prosper with the king.
  • یاد من کن پیش تخت آن عزیز  ** تا مرا هم وا خرد زین حبس نیز 
  • Make mention of me before the throne of that mighty prince, that he may redeem (release) me also from this prison.”
  • کی دهد زندانیی در اقتناص  ** مرد زندانی دیگر را خلاص 
  • (But) how should a prisoner in captivity give release to another imprisoned man?