حق پی شیطان بدین سان زد مثل ** که ترا در رزم آرد با حیل 3610
God made a parable concerning the Devil on this wise: “He leads you into battle by his cunning tricks,
که ترا یاری دهم من با توم ** در خطرها پیش تو من میدوم
Saying, ‘I will give thee help, I am beside thee, I will run before thee in the perils (of war);
اسپرت باشم گه تیر خدنگ ** مخلص تو باشم اندر وقت تنگ
I will be thy shield amidst the arrows of khadang wood, I will be thy refuge in the hour of distress;
جان فدای تو کنم در انتعاش ** رستمی شیری هلا مردانه باش
I will sacrifice my life for thee in raising thee to thy feet. Thou art a Rustam, a lion: come on, be manful!’”
سوی کفرش آورد زین عشوهها ** آن جوال خدعه و مکر و دها
By means of these wiles that bag of deceit and cunning and craft leads him (whom he makes his dupe) to infidelity.
چون قدم بنهاد در خندق فتاد ** او به قاهاقاه خنده لب گشاد 3615
As soon as he sets foot (therein) and falls into the moat (of fire), he (the Devil) opens his lips with a loud ha, ha.
هی بیا من طمعها دارم ز تو ** گویدش رو رو که بیزارم ز تو
(The dupe cries), “Hey, come! I have hopes of thee.” He (the Devil) says, “Begone, begone, for I am quit of thee.
تو نترسیدی ز عدل کردگار ** من همیترسم دو دست از من بدار
Thou didst not fear the justice of the Creator, (but) I fear (it): keep thy hands off me!”
گفت حق خود او جدا شد از بهی ** تو بدین تزویرها هم کی رهی
(Then) God says (to the Devil), “He (thy dupe), indeed, is parted from felicity, and how shouldst thou be saved by these hypocrisies?”
فاعل و مفعول در روز شمار ** روسیاهند و حریف سنگسار
On the Day of Reckoning et faciens et pathicus infames sunt lapidationisque consortes. [On the Day of Reckoning (both) the active and passive (homosexuals) will be shamed-faced and partners in (being punished by) stoning.]