این صدفهای قوالب در جهان ** گر چه جمله زندهاند از بحر جان
- These shells of bodies in the world, though they all are living by (grace of) the Sea of Soul—
لیک اندر هر صدف نبود گهر ** چشم بگشا در دل هر یک نگر
- Yet there is not a pearl in every shell: open your eyes and look into the heart of each one,
کان چه دارد وین چه دارد میگزین ** ز انکه کمیاب است آن در ثمین 1025
- And pick out what that one has and what this, because that costly pearl is seldom found.
گر به صورت میروی کوهی به شکل ** در بزرگی هست صد چندان که لعل
- If you go (turn your attention) to the form, by external appearance a mountain is a hundred times as much as a ruby in bigness;
هم به صورت دست و پا و پشم تو ** هست صد چندان که نقش چشم تو
- Also, in respect of form, your hands and feet and hair are a hundred times as much as the contour of the eye;
لیک پوشیده نباشد بر تو این ** کز همه اعضا دو چشم آمد گزین
- But this (fact) is not hidden from you, that the two eyes are the choicest of all (your) members.
از یک اندیشه که آید در درون ** صد جهان گردد به یک دم سر نگون
- By one thought that comes into the mind a hundred worlds are overturned in a single moment.
جسم سلطان گر به صورت یک بود ** صد هزاران لشکرش در پی دود 1030
- If the body of the Sultan is, in form (appearance), one (only), (yet) hundreds of thousands of soldiers run behind (it).
باز شکل و صورت شاه صفی ** هست محکوم یکی فکر خفی
- Again, the figure and form of the excellent King are ruled by one invisible thought.
خلق بیپایان ز یک اندیشه بین ** گشته چون سیلی روانه بر زمین
- Behold people without end who, moved by one thought, have gone over the earth like a flood;
هست آن اندیشه پیش خلق خرد ** لیک چون سیلی جهان را خورد و برد
- Small is that thought in the people's eyes, but like a flood it swallowed and swept away the world.
پس چو میبینی که از اندیشهای ** قایم است اندر جهان هر پیشهای
- So, when you see that from a thought every craft in the world (arises and) subsists—
خانهها و قصرها و شهرها ** کوهها و دشتها و نهرها 1035
- (That) houses and palaces and cities, mountains and plains and rivers,
هم زمین و بحر و هم مهر و فلک ** زنده از وی همچو کز دریا سمک
- Earth and ocean as well as sun and sky, are living (derive their life) from it as fishes from the sea—
پس چرا از ابلهی پیش تو کور ** تن سلیمان است و اندیشه چو مور
- Then why in your foolishness, O blind one, does the body seem to you a Solomon, and thought (only) as an ant?
مینماید پیش چشمت که بزرگ ** هست اندیشه چو موش و کوه گرگ
- To your eye the mountain appears great: (to you) thought is like a mouse, and the mountain (like) a wolf.
عالم اندر چشم تو هول و عظیم ** ز ابر و رعد و چرخ داری لرز و بیم
- The (material) world in your eyes is awful and sublime: you tremble and are frightened at the clouds and the thunder and the sky,
وز جهان فکرتی ای کم ز خر ** ایمن و غافل چو سنگ بیخبر 1040
- While in regard to the world of thought, O less (lower) than the ass, you are secure and indifferent as a witless stone,
ز انکه نقشی وز خرد بیبهرهای ** آدمی خو نیستی خر کرهای
- Because you are a (mere) shape and have no portion of intelligence; you are not of human nature, you are an ass's colt.
سایه را تو شخص میبینی ز جهل ** شخص از آن شد نزد تو بازی و سهل
- From ignorance you deem the shadow to be the substance: hence to you the substance has become a plaything and of slight account.
باش تا روزی که آن فکر و خیال ** بر گشاید بیحجابی پر و بال
- Wait till the Day when that thought and phantasy unfolds its wings and pinions without any veil (encumbrance).
کوهها بینی شده چون پشم نرم ** نیست گشته این زمین سرد و گرم
- You will see that the mountains have become soft as wool, (and that) this Earth of hot and cold has become naught;
نه سما بینی نه اختر نه وجود ** جز خدای واحد حی ودود 1045
- You will see neither the sky nor the stars nor (any) existence but God, the One, the Living, the Loving.
یک فسانه راست آمد یا دروغ ** تا دهد مر راستیها را فروغ
- Here is a tale, (be it) true or false, to illustrate (these) truths.
حسد کردن حشم بر غلام خاص
- How the (King's) retainers envied the favourite slave.
پادشاهی بندهای را از کرم ** بر گزیده بود بر جمله حشم
- A King had, of his grace, preferred a certain slave above all his retinue.