خار بن دان هر یکی خوی بدت ** بارها در پای خار آخر زدت1240
Know that every single bad habit of yours is a thorn bush: many a time, after all, have its thorns pierced your foot.
بارها از خوی خود خسته شدی ** حس نداری سخت بیحس آمدی
Many a time have you been wounded by your own (evil) habits—you have no sense, you are very senseless.
گر ز خسته گشتن دیگر کسان ** که ز خلق زشت تو هست آن رسان
If to the wounding of other persons, which comes to pass from your evil nature,
غافلی باری ز زخم خود نهای ** تو عذاب خویش و هر بیگانهای
You are indifferent, at any rate you are not (indifferent) to your own wounds: you are the torment of yourself and of every stranger.
یا تبر برگیر و مردانه بزن ** تو علیوار این در خیبر بکن
Either take up the axe and strike like a man—like ‘Alí, destroy this gate of Khaybar—
یا به گلبن وصل کن این خار را ** وصل کن با نار نور یار را1245
Or unite these thorns with the rosebush: unite the light of the friend (of God) with the (sensual) fire,
تا که نور او کشد نار تو را ** وصل او گلشن کند خار تو را
In order that his light may extinguish your fire, (and that) union with him may make your thorns roses.
تو مثال دوزخی او مومن است ** کشتن آتش به مومن ممکن است
You are like Hell, he is a true believer: the extinction of the fire (of Hell) by means of a true believer is possible.
مصطفی فرمود از گفت جحیم ** کاو به مومن لابه گر گردد ز بیم
Mustafá (Mohammed) said concerning the speech of Hell, that on account of fear it begins humbly to entreat the true believer,
گویدش بگذر ز من ای شاه زود ** هین که نورت سوز نارم را ربود
And says to him, “Pass quickly away from me, O king: hark, for thy light has taken away the burning of my fire.”
پس هلاک نار نور مومن است ** ز انکه بیضد دفع ضد لا یمکن است1250
Therefore the true believer's light is the death of the fire, because without an opposite the removal of the (other) opposite is impossible.
نار ضد نور باشد روز عدل ** کان ز قهر انگیخته شد این ز فضل
On the Day of Justice (Judgement) the fire will be the opponent of the light, since the former was aroused by (God's) wrath, the latter by (His) grace.
گر همیخواهی تو دفع شر نار ** آب رحمت بر دل آتش گمار
If you are wishing to remove the evil of the fire, direct the water of (Divine) mercy against the heart of the fire.
چشمهی آن آب رحمت مومن است ** آب حیوان روح پاک محسن است
The true believer is the fountain of that water of mercy: the pure spirit of the well-doer is the Water of Life.
بس گریزان است نفس تو از او ** ز انکه تو از آتشی او آب جو
Hence your fleshly soul is fleeing mightily from him, because you are of fire, (while) he (is) the water of the stream.
ز آب آتش ز آن گریزان میشود ** کاتشش از آب ویران میشود1255
Fire becomes fleeing from water for the reason that its fire (flame and heat) is ruined by water.
حس و فکر تو همه از آتش است ** حس شیخ و فکر او نور خوش است
Your sense and thought are wholly of the fire; the sense of the Shaykh (spiritual guide) and his thought are the beauteous Light.
آب نور او چو برآتش چکد ** چک چک از آتش بر آید بر جهد
When the water of his light trickles on the fire, chak chak (a gnashing sound) rises from the fire, and it leaps up (in fury).
چون کند چک چک تو گویش مرگ و درد ** تا شود این دوزخ نفس تو سرد
When it makes (the sound) chak chak, say you to it, “Death and woe (to thee),” in order that this hell, (which is) your fleshly soul, may become cold (quenched),
تا نسوزد او گلستان تو را ** تا نسوزد عدل و احسان تو را
So that it may not burn your rose-garden, so that it may not burn your justice and well doing.
بعد از آن چیزی که کاری بردهد ** لاله و نسرین و سیسنبردهد1260
After that, anything that you sow will yield fruit (or flowers); it will yield anemones and wild roses and thyme.
باز پهنا میرویم از راه راست ** باز گرد ای خواجه راه ما کجاست
Once more we are going wide of the straight way: turn back, O master—where is our way?
اندر آن تقریر بودیم ای حسود ** که خرت لنگ است و منزل دور زود
We were (engaged) in showing, O envious one, that your ass is lame and the place of alighting (journey's end) far off, (so you must be) quick.
سال بیگه گشت وقت کشت نی ** جز سیه رویی و فعل زشت نی
The year has turned late; it is not sowing-time, (and you have produced) nothing except black shame and foul deeds.
کرم در بیخ درخت تن فتاد ** بایدش بر کند و در آتش نهاد
The worm has entered the root of the body's tree: it must be dug up and put in the fire.