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  • می‏رود از سینه‏ها در سینه‏ها ** از ره پنهان صلاح و کینه‏ها
  • Good and hateful qualities pass from bosoms into bosoms by a hidden way;
  • بلکه خود از آدمی در گاو و خر ** می‏رود دانایی و علم و هنر
  • Nay, indeed, wisdom and knowledge and excellence pass from Man into the ox and the ass.
  • اسب سکسک میشود رهواار و رام **. خرس بازی میکند بز هم سلام
  • The stumbling (restive) horse becomes smooth-paced and docile; the bear dances, the goat also salaams.
  • رفت اندر سگ ز آدمیان هوس ** تا شبان شد یا شکاری یا حرس‏
  • Volition has passed from human beings into the dog, so that he has become a shepherd or a hunter or a guardian (of the house).
  • در سگ اصحاب خوبی ز ان وفود ** رفت تا جویای الله گشته بود 1425
  • Into the dog of the Companions (of the Cave) there passed from those comers (to the Cave) a (moral) disposition, so that he had become a seeker of God.
  • هر زمان در سینه نوعی سر کند ** گاه دیو و گه ملک گه دام و دد
  • At every moment a (different) species bursts up in the breast: now a devil, and now an angel, now wild beasts.
  • ز آن عجب بیشه که شیر آگه است ** تا به دام سینه‏ها پنهان ره است‏
  • From that marvellous jungle, where is (dwells) the wise Lion, there is a hidden way to the breasts which ensnare (the spiritual prey).
  • دزدیی کن از درون مرجان جان ** ای کم از سگ از درون عارفان‏
  • O you who are less than a dog, steal the spiritual pearl from within—from within (the breasts of) them that know God.
  • چون که دزدی باری آن در لطیف ** چون که حامل می‏شوی باری شریف‏
  • As you (must) steal, at any rate (let it be) that lovely pearl; as you are going to bear a burden, at any rate (let it be) a noble one.
  • فهم کردن مریدان که ذو النون دیوانه نشده است قاصد کرده است‏
  • How the disciples understood that Dhu ’l-Nún had not become mad, (but) had acted with intention.
  • دوستان در قصه‏ی ذو النون شدند ** سوی زندان و در آن رایی زدند 1430
  • The friends went to the prison (to inquire) about the story of Dhu ’l-Nún, and expressed an opinion concerning it,
  • کاین مگر قاصد کند یا حکمتی است ** او در این دین قبله‏ای و آیتی است‏
  • Saying, “Perchance he does this purposely, or there is some (deep) wisdom (in it): he is an exemplar and a shining light in this religion.
  • دور دور از عقل چون دریای او ** تا جنون باشد سفه فرمای او
  • Far, far be it from his sea-like (profound) intelligence that madness should prompt him to folly!
  • حاش لله از کمال جاه او ** کابر بیماری بپوشد ماه او
  • God forbid, in view of the perfection of his (spiritual) attainments, that the cloud of sickness should cover his moon!
  • او ز شر عامه اندر خانه شد ** او ز ننگ عاقلان دیوانه شد
  • He has gone into the house (and taken refuge) from the wickedness of the vulgar: he has become mad on account of the infamy of the sane.
  • او ز عار عقل کند تن پرست ** قاصدا رفته ست و دیوانه شده ست‏ 1435
  • From (feeling) the disgrace of the dull body-serving intellect, he has purposely gone and become mad,
  • که ببندیدم قوی و ز ساز گاو ** بر سر و پشتم بزن وین را مکاو
  • Saying, ‘Bind me fast and with the tail of a cow smite me on head and back, and do not dispute this (matter),
  • تا ز زخم لخت یابم من حیات ** چون قتیل از گاو موسی ای ثقات‏
  • That from the stroke of the part (of the cow) I may gain life, as the murdered man (gained life) from the cow of Moses, O trusty ones;
  • تا ز زخم لخت گاوی خوش شوم ** همچو کشته‏ی گاو موسی گش شوم‏
  • That I may be made happy by the stroke of a part of the cow; (that I may) become well (whole), as (in the case of) the murdered man and the cow of Moses’.”
  • زنده شد کشته ز زخم دم گاو ** همچو مس از کیمیا شد زر ساو
  • The murdered man was revived by the stroke of the cow's tail: he became pure gold (in spirit), even as copper (is transmuted) by the elixir.
  • کشته بر جست و بگفت اسرار را ** وا نمود آن زمره‏ی خون‏خوار را 1440
  • The murdered man sprang up and told the secrets: he revealed that bloodthirsty gang.
  • گفت روشن کاین جماعت کشته‏اند ** کاین زمان در خصمی‏ام آشفته‏اند
  • He said plainly, “I was killed by these people who are now disturbed (with anger) in contending against me.”
  • چون که کشته گردد این جسم گران ** زنده گردد هستی اسرار دان‏
  • When this gross body is killed, the essence that knows (spiritual) secrets is brought to life.
  • جان او بیند بهشت و نار را ** باز داند جمله‏ی اسرار را
  • Its spirit beholds Paradise and Hell-fire and discerns all the mysteries.
  • وا نماید خونیان دیو را ** وا نماید دام خدعه و ریو را
  • It reveals the devilish murderers, it reveals the snare of deceit and guile.
  • گاو کشتن هست از شرط طریق ** تا شود از زخم دمش جان مفیق‏ 1445
  • To kill the cow (the fleshly soul) is the stipulation of (imposed by) the (Súfí) Path, in order that the spirit may be restored to consciousness by the stroke of her tail.