کار پنهان کن تو از چشمان خود ** تا بود کارت سلیم از چشم بد
Hide your work from your own eyes, that your work may be safe from the evil eye.
خویش را تسلیم کن بر دام مزد ** و انگه از خود بیز خود چیزی بدزد
Yield yourself up to the snare of the (Divine) reward, and then, (being) beside yourself, steal something from yourself.
میدهند افیون به مرد زخممند ** تا که پیکان از تنش بیرون کنند
They give opium to the wounded man, in order that they may extract the point (of a spear or arrow) from his body.
وقت مرگ از رنج او را میدرند ** او بدان مشغول شد جان میبرند
At the hour of death he is torn with pain; he becomes preoccupied with that, and (meanwhile) his spirit (life) is taken away.
چون به هر فکری که دل خواهی سپرد ** از تو چیزی در نهان خواهند برد1505
Inasmuch as, to whatsoever thought you give up your mind, something will secretly be taken away from you,
هر چه اندیشی و تحصیلی کنی ** میدرآید دزد از آن سو کایمنی
Whatsoever acquisition you may make, O solicitous one, the thief will enter from the side where you feel safe,
پس بدان مشغول شود کان بهترست ** تا ز تو چیزی برد کان کهترست
Become occupied, therefore, with that which is better, in order that the thief may take away from you something that is less (in worth).
بار بازرگان چو در آب اوفتد ** دست اندر کالهی بهتر زند
When the trader's bales fall into the water, he lays his hands upon the better merchandise.
چون که چیزی فوت خواهد شد در آب ** ترک کمتر گوی و بهتر را بیاب
Since something will (certainly) be lost in the water, take leave of the less (worse) and gain (possession of) the better.
ظاهر شدن فضل و زیرکی لقمان پیش امتحان کنندگان
How the excellence and sagacity of Luqmán became manifest to those who made trial (of him).
هر طعامی کاوریدندی به وی ** کس سوی لقمان فرستادی ز پی1510
Whatever food they brought to him (Luqmán's master), he would send some one to Luqmán after (receiving it),
تا که لقمان دست سوی آن برد ** قاصدا تا خواجه پس خوردش خورد
That Luqmán might put his hand to (partake of) it, on purpose that the master might eat his (Luqmán's) leavings.
سور او خوردی و شور انگیختی ** هر طعامی کاو نخوردی ریختی
He would eat his remnants and be enraptured: any food that he (Luqmán) did not taste, he (the master) would throw away;
ور بخوردی بیدل و بیاشتها ** این بود پیوندی بیانتها
Or if he ate (of it), (’twould be) without heart and without appetite: this is (the sign of) an affinity without end.
خربزه آورده بودند ارمغان ** گفت رو فرزند لقمان را بخوان
They had brought a melon as a present. “Go, my son” said he, “and call Luqmán.”
چون برید و داد او را یک برین ** همچو شکر خوردش و چون انگبین1515
When he cut it and gave him a slice, he ate it as if it were sugar and honey.
از خوشی که خورد داد او را دوم ** تا رسید آن گرچها تا هفدهم
On account of the pleasure with which he ate (it), he gave him a second (slice), (and went on) till the slices (given him) reached the seventeenth.
ماند گرچی گفت این را من خورم ** تا چه شیرین خربزه ست این بنگرم
One slice remained. He said, “I will eat this (myself), so that I may see what a sweet melon this is.
او چنین خوش میخورد کز ذوق او ** طبعها شد مشتهی و لقمه جو
He (Luqmán) eats it with such pleasure that from his delight (all) natures have become eager and craving the morsel.”
چون بخورد از تلخیش آتش فروخت ** هم زبان کرد آبله هم حلق سوخت
As soon as he (the master) ate it, by its sourness there was kindled fire (which) blistered his tongue and burnt his throat.
ساعتی بیخود شد از تلخی آن ** بعد از آن گفتش که ای جان و جهان1520
He became beside himself for a while on account of its sourness; after that, he said to him, “O (you who are) soul and world,
نوش چون کردی تو چندین زهر را ** لطف چون انگاشتی این قهر را
How did you make all this poison an antidote? How did you deem this cruelty to be kindness?
این چه صبر است این صبوری از چه روست ** یا مگر پیش تو این جانت عدوست
What patience is this? For what reason is this great fortitude? Or, perchance, in your opinion this life of yours is an enemy (which you would fain destroy).
چون نیاوردی به حیلت حجتی ** که مرا عذری است بس کن ساعتی
Why did not you cunningly bring (forward) a plea, saying, ‘I have an excuse (for declining to eat): desist for a while’.”
گفت من از دست نعمت بخش تو ** خوردهام چندان که از شرمم دو تو
Luqmán said, “From thy munificent hand I have eaten so much that I am (bent) double with shame.
شرمم آمد که یکی تلخ از کفت ** من ننوشم ای تو صاحب معرفت1525
I was ashamed not to eat one bitter thing from thy hand, O thou who art possessed of knowledge.