از برای شاه دامی دوختند ** آخر این تدبیر از او آموختند
They knitted a net for the King; (yet) after all, they (had) learnt this contrivance from Him.
نحس شاگردی که با استاد خویش ** همسری آغازد و آید به پیش
Ill-starred is the pupil that begins rivalry with his master and comes forward (to contend with him).
با کدام استاد استاد جهان. ** پیش او یکسان هویدا و نهان
With what master? The master of the world, to whom the manifest and the occult are alike;
چشم او ینظر بنور الله شده ** پردههای جهل را خارق بده1580
Whose eyes have become seeing by the light of God and have rent the veils of ignorance.
از دل سوراخ چون کهنه گلیم ** پردهای بندد به پیش آن حکیم
(Making) a veil of (his) heart, (which is as) full of holes as an old blanket, he (the disciple) puts it on in the presence of that Sage.
پرده میخندد بر او با صد دهان ** هر دهانی گشته اشکافی بر آن
The veil laughs at him with a hundred mouths, every mouth having become a slit (open) to that (master). [The veil laughs at him with a hundred mouths, every mouth having become (like) a slit (vulva) in the thighs (of a woman).]
گوید آن استاد مر شاگرد را ** ای کم از سگ نیستت با من وفا
The master says to the disciple, "O you who are less than a dog, have you no faithfulness to me?
خود مرا استا مگیر آهن گسل ** همچو خود شاگرد گیر و کوردل
Even suppose I am not a master and an iron-breaker, suppose I am a disciple like yourself and blind of heart,
نه از منت یاری است در جان و روان ** بیمنت آبی نمیگردد روان1585
Have not you help in spirit and mind from me? Without me no water is set flowing for you.
پس دل من کارگاه بخت تست ** چه شکنی این کارگاه ای نادرست
Therefore my heart is the factory of your fortune: why would you break this factory, O unrighteous one?"
گوییاش پنهان زنم آتش زنه ** نه به قلب از قلب باشد روزنه
You may say that you kindle the flame (of rivalry) against him in secret (not openly); but is there not a window between heart and heart?
آخر از روزن ببیند فکر تو ** دل گواهی میدهد زین ذکر تو
After all, he sees your thought through the window: your heart gives testimony as to what you are meditating.
گیر در رویت نمالد از کرم ** هر چه گویی خندد و گوید نعم
Suppose that, from kindness, he does not rebuke you to your face, (and that) whatever you say, he smiles and says "Yes"
او نمیخندد ز ذوق مالشت ** او همیخندد بر آن اسگالشت1590
He does not smile from pleasure at your stroking (flattering him); he smiles at that (concealed) thought of yours.
پس خداعی را خداعی شد جزا ** کاسه زن کوزه بخور اینک سزا
So a deceit is paid with a deceit: strike with a cup, (and you) get struck with a jug—serve you right!
گر بدی با تو و را خندهی رضا ** صد هزاران گل شکفتی مر ترا
Were his smile at you one of approval, hundreds of thousands of flowers would blossom for you.
چون دل او در رضا آرد عمل ** آفتابی دان که آید در حمل
When his heart works (for you) in approval, deem it (to be) a sun entering Aries,
زو بخندد هم نهار و هم بهار ** در هم آمیزد شکوفه و سبزهزار
Because of whom both the day and the spring smile, and blossoms and green fields are mingled together,
صد هزاران بلبل و قمری نوا ** افکنند اندر جهان بینوا1595
And myriads of nightingales and ringdoves pour their song into the unplenished world.
چون که برگ روح خود زرد و سیاه ** میببینی چون ندانی خشم شاه
When you see the leaves of your spirit yellow and black; how know you not the anger of the King?
آفتاب شاه در برج عتاب ** میکند روها سیه همچون کباب
The King's sun, in the (zodiacal) sign of reproach, makes faces black as a piece of roasted meat.
آن عطارد را ورقها جان ماست ** آن سپیدی و آن سیه میزان ماست
Our souls are leaves for that Mercury (to write on): that white and black (writing) is our standard (criterion).
باز منشوری نویسد سرخ و سبز ** تا رهند ارواح از سودا و عجز
Again, he writes a patent in red and green, that (our) spirits may be delivered from melancholy and despair.
سرخ و سبز افتاد نسخ نو بهار ** چون خط قوس و قزح در اعتبار1600
Red and green are Spring's cancellation (of winter); in regard (to their significance they are) like the (coloured) lines of the rainbow.
عکس تعظیم پیغام سلیمان علیه السلام در دل بلقیس از صورت حقیر هدهد
How reverence for the message of Solomon, on whom be peace, was reflected in the heart of Bilqís from the despicable form of the hoopoe.
رحمت صد تو بر آن بلقیس باد ** که خدایش عقل صد مرده بداد
Hundredfold mercy be on that Bilqís to whom God gave the intellect of a hundred men!