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  • تو کجایی تا شوم من چاکرت ** چارقت دوزم کنم شانه سرت‏
  • Where art Thou, that I may become Thy servant and sew Thy shoes and comb Thy head?
  • جامه‏ات شویم شپشهایت کشم ** شیر پیشت آورم ای محتشم‏
  • That I may wash Thy clothes and kill Thy lice and bring milk to Thee, O worshipful One;
  • دستکت بوسم بمالم پایکت ** وقت خواب آید بروبم جایکت‏
  • That I may kiss Thy little hand and rub Thy little foot, (and when) bedtime comes I may sweep Thy little room,
  • ای فدای تو همه بزهای من ** ای به یادت هیهی و هیهای من‏
  • O Thou to whom all my goats be a sacrifice, O Thou in remembrance of whom are my cries of ay and ah!”
  • این نمط بی‏هوده می‏گفت آن شبان ** گفت موسی با کی است این ای فلان‏ 1725
  • The shepherd was speaking foolish words in this wise. Moses said, “Man, to whom is this (addressed)?”
  • گفت با آن کس که ما را آفرید ** این زمین و چرخ از او آمد پدید
  • He answered, “To that One who created us; by whom this earth and sky were brought to sight.”
  • گفت موسی های خیره‏سر شدی ** خود مسلمان ناشده کافر شدی‏
  • “Hark!” said Moses, “you have become very backsliding (depraved); indeed you have not become a Moslem, you have become an infidel.
  • این چه ژاژست و چه کفر است و فشار ** پنبه‏ای اندر دهان خود فشار
  • What babble is this? what blasphemy and raving? Stuff some cotton into your mouth!
  • گند کفر تو جهان را گنده کرد ** کفر تو دیبای دین را ژنده کرد
  • The stench of your blasphemy has made the (whole) world stinking: your blasphemy has turned the silk robe of religion into rags.
  • چارق و پا تابه لایق مر تراست ** آفتابی را چنینها کی رواست‏ 1730
  • Shoes and socks are fitting for you, (but) how are such things right for (One who is) a Sun?
  • گر نبندی زین سخن تو حلق را ** آتشی آید بسوزد خلق را
  • If you do not stop your throat from (uttering) these words, a fire will come and burn up the people.
  • آتشی گر نامده ست این دود چیست ** جان سیه گشته روان مردود چیست‏
  • If a fire has not come, (then) what is this smoke? Why has your soul become black and your spirit rejected (by God)?
  • گر همی‏دانی که یزدان داور است ** ژاژ و گستاخی ترا چون باور است‏
  • If you know that God is the Judge, how is it right for you (to indulge in) this doting talk and familiarity?
  • دوستی بی‏خرد خود دشمنی است ** حق تعالی زین چنین خدمت غنی است‏
  • Truly, the friendship of a witless man is enmity: the high God is not in want of suchlike service.
  • با که می‏گویی تو این با عم و خال ** جسم و حاجت در صفات ذو الجلال‏ 1735
  • To whom are you saying this? To your paternal and maternal uncles? Are the body and (its) needs among the attributes of the Lord of glory?
  • شیر او نوشد که در نشو و نماست ** چارق او پوشد که او محتاج پاست‏
  • (Only) he that is waxing and growing drinks milk: (only) he that has need of feet puts on shoes.
  • ور برای بنده‏ش است این گفت‏وگو ** آن که حق گفت او من است و من خود او
  • And if these words of yours are (meant) for His servant, of whom God said, ‘He is I and I myself am he’;
  • آن که گفت انی مرضت لم تعد ** من شدم رنجور او تنها نشد
  • (For him) of whom He (God) said, ‘Verily, I was sick and thou didst not visit Me,’ (that is), ‘I became ill, not he (the sick man) alone’;
  • آن که بی‏یسمع و بی‏یبصر شده ست ** در حق آن بنده این هم بی‏هده ست‏
  • (For him) who has become seeing by Me and hearing by Me— this (talk of yours) is foolish nonsense even in regard to that servant.
  • بی‏ادب گفتن سخن با خاص حق ** دل بمیراند سیه دارد ورق‏ 1740
  • To speak irreverently to one chosen of God causes the heart (spirit) to perish and keeps the page (record) black.
  • گر تو مردی را بخوانی فاطمه ** گر چه یک جنسند مرد و زن همه‏
  • If you should call a man ‘Fátima’—though men and women are all of one kind—
  • قصد خون تو کند تا ممکن است ** گر چه خوش خو و حلیم و ساکن است‏
  • He will seek to murder you, so far as it is possible (for him), albeit he is good-natured and forbearing and quiet.
  • فاطمه مدح است در حق زنان ** مرد را گویی بود زخم سنان‏
  • (The name) Fátima is (a term of) praise in regard to women, (but) if you address it to a man, ’tis (like) the blow of a spearhead.
  • دست و پا در حق ما استایش است ** در حق پاکی حق آلایش است‏
  • Hand and foot are (terms of) praise in relation to us; in relation to the holiness of God they are pollution.
  • لم یلد لم یولد او را لایق است ** والد و مولود را او خالق است‏ 1745
  • (The words) He begat not, He was not begotten are appropriate to Him: He is the Creator of begetter and begotten.