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  • سگ شناسا شد که میر صید کیست ** ای خدا آن نور اشناسنده چیست‏ 2365
  • The dog has come to know who is the Master of the hunt. O God, what is that knowing light?
  • کور نشناسد نه از بی‏چشمی است ** بلکه این ز آن است کز جهل است مست‏
  • (If) the blind man knows it not, ’tis not from (his) having no eye (to see); nay, ’tis because he is drunken with ignorance.
  • نیست خود بی‏چشم تر کور از زمین ** این زمین از فضل حق شد خصم بین‏
  • Truly, the blind man is not more eyeless than the earth; and this earth, by the grace of God, has become a seer of (God's) enemies.
  • نور موسی دید و موسی را نواخت ** خسف قارون کرد و قارون را شناخت‏
  • It saw the Light of Moses and showed kindness to Moses; (but) Qárún it engulfed, (for) it knew Qárún.
  • رجف کرد اندر هلاک هر دعی ** فهم کرد از حق که یا أرض ابلعی‏
  • It quaked for the destruction of every false pretender: it understood (the words that came) from God, “O earth, swallow (thy water)!”
  • خاک و آب و باد و نار با شرر ** بی‏خبر با ما و با حق با خبر 2370
  • Earth and water and air and sparking fire are unacquainted with us, but acquainted with God.
  • ما بعکس آن ز غیر حق خبیر ** بی‏خبر از حق و از چندین نذیر
  • Contrariwise, we are aware of (things) other than God, (but) unaware (heedless) of God and of so many warners (prophets).
  • لاجرم أشفقن منها جمله‏شان ** کند شد ز آمیز حیوان حمله‏شان‏
  • As a necessary consequence, they (the elements) all shrank from (accepting) it (the trust offered to them): (the edge of) their impulse to partake of life was blunted.
  • گفته بیزاریم جمله زین حیات ** کاو بود با خلق حی با حق موات‏
  • They said, “We all are averse to this life, (namely), that one should be living in relation to created beings and dead in relation to God.”
  • چون بماند از خلق گردد او یتیم ** انس حق را قلب می‏باید سلیم‏
  • When he (any one) remains away from created beings, he is orphaned (single): for intimacy with God, the heart must be free (from relations with aught besides).
  • چون ز کوری دزد دزدد کاله‏ای ** می‏کند آن کور عمیا ناله‏ای‏ 2375
  • When a thief steals some article of property from a blind man, the blind man is blindly lamenting.
  • تا نگوید دزد او را کان منم ** کز تو دزدیدم که دزد پر فنم‏
  • Until the thief say to him, “’Tis I that stole from thee, for I am an artful thief,”
  • کی شناسد کور دزد خویش را ** چون ندارد نور چشم و آن ضیا
  • How should the blind man know his thief, since he hath not the eye's light and that radiance (of vision)?
  • چون بگوید هم بگیر او را تو سخت ** تا بگوید او علامتهای رخت‏
  • When he (the thief) speaks (and confesses), at once take tight hold of him, that he may tell the marks (descriptive) of the (stolen) goods.
  • پس جهاد اکبر آمد عصر دزد ** تا بگوید که چه دزدیده است مزد
  • The Greater Jihád (Holy War), then, consists in squeezing the thief, in order that he may tell what he has stolen and what he has carried off.
  • اولا دزدید کحل دیده‏ات ** چون ستانی باز یابی تبصرت‏ 2380
  • First, he has stolen your eye-salve; when you take it (from him), you will regain (your) insight.
  • کاله‏ی حکمت که گم کرده‏ی دل است ** پیش اهل دل یقین آن حاصل است‏
  • The goods of wisdom, which have been lost by (your) heart, are certainly to be found with the man of heart (the saint).
  • کوردل با جان و با سمع و بصر ** می‏نداند دزد شیطان را ز اثر
  • The blind of heart, notwithstanding (his possession of) life and hearing and sight, is never knowing the devilish thief by the traces (which he leaves).
  • ز اهل دل جو از جماد آن را مجو ** که جماد آمد خلایق پیش او
  • Seek (that knowledge) from the man of heart; do not seek it from the inanimate, for (all other) people are inanimate beside (in comparison with) him.
  • مشورت جوینده آمد نزد او ** کای اب کودک شده رازی بگو
  • The seeker of counsel approached him (the saint who was feigning madness), saying, “O father who hast become (as) a child, tell (me) a secret.”
  • گفت رو زین حلقه کاین در باز نیست ** باز گرد امروز روز راز نیست‏ 2385
  • He answered, “Begone from this door-ring, for this door is not open. Turn back: to-day is not the day for secrets.
  • گر مکان را ره بدی در لامکان ** همچو شیخان بودمی من بر دکان‏
  • If the spatial had (any) access to the non-spatial, I should be (seated) on the bench, (giving instruction) like the Shaykhs (spiritual directors).”
  • خواندن محتسب مست خراب افتاده را به زندان‏
  • How the Police Inspector summoned the man who had fallen dead-drunk (on the ground) to (go to) prison.
  • محتسب در نیم شب جایی رسید ** در بن دیوار مستی خفته دید
  • The Inspector came at midnight to a certain place: he saw a drunken man lying at the bottom of a wall.
  • گفت هی مستی چه خورده ستی بگو ** گفت از این خوردم که هست اندر سبو
  • He cried, “Hey, you are drunk: tell (me), what have you been drinking?” Said the man, “I have drunk of this which is in the jar.”
  • گفت آخر در سبو واگو که چیست ** گفت از آن که خورده‏ام گفت این خفی است‏
  • “Pray,” said he, “explain what is in the jar.” He replied, “Some of what I have drunk.” “(But),” said the Inspector, “this is hidden (from sight).”