از چو ما بیچارگان این بند سخت ** کی گشاید ای شه بیتاج و تخت
- Who will loose these strong chains from helpless ones like us, O king uncrowned and unthroned?
این چنین قفل گران را ای ودود ** کی تواند جز که فضل تو گشود
- Who except (Thee in) Thy bounty, O Loving One, can loose such a heavy lock?
ما ز خود سوی که گردانیم سر ** چون تویی از ما به ما نزدیکتر
- Let us turn our heads from ourselves towards Thee, inasmuch as Thou art nigher unto us than we (unto ourselves).
این دعا هم بخشش و تعلیم تست ** گر نه در گلخن گلستان از چه رست
- Even this prayer is Thy gift and lesson (to us); else, wherefore has a rose-bed grown in an ash-pit?
در میان خون و روده فهم و عقل ** جز ز اکرام تو نتوان کرد نقل 2450
- Save through Thy munificence, ’tis impossible to convey understanding and reason into the midst of blood and entrails.
از دو پارهی پیه این نور روان ** موج نورش میزند بر آسمان
- This flowing light (proceeds) from two pieces of fat (the two eyeballs): their waves of light reach up to the sky.
گوشت پاره که زبان آمد از او ** میرود سیلاب حکمت همچو جو
- The piece of flesh which is the tongue—from it the flood of Wisdom is flowing, like a stream,
سوی سوراخی که نامش گوشهاست ** تا بباغ جان که میوهاش هوشهاست
- Towards a cavity, whereof the name is “ears,” up to the orchard of the (rational) soul, whereof the fruit is intellections.
شاه راه باغ جانها شرع اوست ** باغ و بستانهای عالم فرع اوست
- Its main course is the highway of the orchard of souls; the orchards and gardens of the world are its branches.
اصل و سرچشمهی خوشی آن است آن ** زود تجری تحتها الأنهار خوان 2455
- That, that, is the source and fountainhead of joy: quick, recite (the text), (gardens) beneath which flow the rivers.
تتمهای نصیحت رسول صلی الله علیه و آله بیمار را
- Conclusion of the admonishment given by the Prophet, God bless and save him, to the sick man.
گفت پیغمبر مر آن بیمار را ** چون عیادت کرد یار زار را
- The Prophet said to the sick man, when he visited (his) suffering friend,
که مگر نوعی دعایی کردهای ** از جهالت زهربایی خوردهای
- “Maybe you have made a prayer of some (peculiar) sort, and from ignorance have (as it were) eaten some poisoned food.
یاد آور چه دعا میگفتهای ** چون ز مکر نفس میآشفتهای
- Bring to mind what (sort of) a prayer you said when you were being vexed by the guile of the fleshly soul.”
گفت یادم نیست الا همتی ** دار با من یادم آید ساعتی
- He answered, “I do not remember; but direct a (spiritual) influence towards me, and it (the prayer) will come to my memory in a moment.”
از حضور نور بخش مصطفا ** پیش خاطر آمد او را آن دعا 2460
- Through the light-giving presence of Mustafá (Mohammed), that prayer came into his mind;
همت پیغمبر روشنکده ** پیش خاطر آمدش آن گم شده
- (From) the aspiration of the Prophet who dwells in light there came into his mind that which had been lost;
تافت ز آن روزن که از دل تا دل است ** روشنی که فرق حق و باطل است
- Through the window which is between heart and heart flashed the light that separates truth and falsehood.
گفت اینک یادم آمد ای رسول ** آن دعا که گفتهام من بو الفضول
- He said, “Look now, I have remembered, O Prophet, the prayer which I, impertinent fool, spoke.
چون گرفتار گنه میآمدم ** غرقه دست اندر حشایش میزدم
- When I was being caught in (the toils of) sin, and drowning (therein) was clutching at straws––
از تو تهدید و وعیدی میرسید ** مجرمان را از عذاب بس شدید 2465
- (Whilst) there was coming from thee to sinners a threat and menace of punishment exceedingly severe––
مضطرب میگشتم و چاره نبود ** بند محکم بود و قفل ناگشود
- (And) I was becoming agitated, and there was no help (for me), (since) there were chains made fast and a lock not (to be) opened:
نی مقام صبر و نه راه گریز ** نی امید توبه نه جای ستیز
- Neither room for patience nor means of flight, neither hope of repenting nor opportunity for rebelling
من چو هاروت و چو ماروت از حزن ** آه میکردم که ای خلاق من
- I, like Hárút and Márút was crying in sorrow, ‘Alas!’ and saying, ‘O my Creator!’”
از خطر هاروت و ماروت آشکار ** چاه بابل را بکردند اختیار
- Because of the dangers (of the Last Judgement) Hárút and Márút openly chose the pit of Babylon,
تا عذاب آخرت اینجا کشند ** گربزند و عاقل و ساحروشاند 2470
- So that they might suffer here (in this world) the punishment of the world to come; and they are cunning and intelligent and magician-like.