گفت آه و دود از آن اه شد برون ** آه او میداد از دل بوی خون 2775
- He cried, “Ah!” and smoke issued from that (burning) sigh: his sigh was giving forth the smell of blood from his heart.
آن یکی از جمع گفت این آه را ** تو به من ده و آن نماز من ترا
- A certain man said, “Give (me) that sigh and may this (ritual) prayer of mine be (bestowed) on thee as a gift!”
گفت دادم آه و پذرفتم نماز ** او ستد آن آه را با صد نیاز
- He answered, “I give the sigh and accept the prayers.” He (the other) took that sigh with a hundred yearnings (towards God).
شب به خواب اندر بگفتش هاتفی ** که خریدی آب حیوان و شفا
- At night, whilst (he was) asleep, a Voice said to him, “Thou hast bought the Water of Life and salvation.
حرمت این اختیار و این دخول ** شد نماز جملهی خلقان قبول
- In honour of this choice and this appropriation the prayers of all the people have been accepted.”
تتمهی اقرار ابلیس به معاویه مکر خود را
- Conclusion of the confession made by Iblís to Mu‘áwiya of his deceit.
پس عزازیلش به گفت ای میر راد ** مکر خود اندر میان باید نهاد 2780
- Then ‘Azázíl said to him, “O noble Amír, I must lay my deceit before (you).
گر نمازت فوت میشد آن زمان ** میزدی از درد دل آه و فغان
- If you had missed the prayers, you would then from heartache have uttered sighs and lamentations,
آن تاسف و آن فغان و آن نیاز ** در گذشتی از دو صد ذکر و نماز
- And that regret and that lamentation and that (sorrowful) yearning would have exceeded (in value) two hundred litanies and prayers.
من ترا بیدار کردم از نهیب ** تا بسوزاند چنان آهی حجاب
- I awakened you in fear lest such a sigh might burn the veil (of formality),
تا چنان آهی نباشد مر ترا ** تا بدان راهی نباشد مر ترا
- In order that such a sigh should not be yours; in order that you should not have any way to it.
من حسودم از حسد کردم چنین ** من عدویم کار من مکر است و کین 2785
- I am envious: from envy I acted thus. I am the enemy: my (proper) work is deceit and malice.”
گفت اکنون راست گفتی صادقی ** از تو این آید تو این را لایقی
- He (Mu‘áwiya) said, “Now you have told the truth, you are veracious. This (deceit) comes (naturally) from you: to this you are adapted.
عنکبوتی تو مگس داری شکار ** من نیم ای سگ مگس زحمت میار
- You are a spider, you have flies as your prey; O cur, I am not a fly, (so) do not worry.
باز اسپیدم شکارم شه کند ** عنکبوتی کی بگرد ما تند
- I am a white falcon: the King hunts me. How should a spider weave his web about me?
رو مگس میگیر تا تانی هلا ** سوی دوغی زن مگسها را صلا
- Go now, continue to catch flies as far as you can: invite the flies to (partake of) some buttermilk;
ور بخوانی تو به سوی انگبین ** هم دروغ و دوغ باشد آن یقین 2790
- And if you call (them) to honey, that too will certainly be lies and buttermilk (fraud).
تو مرا بیدار کردی خواب بود ** تو نمودی کشتی آن گرداب بود
- You awakened me, (but) it (that awakenment) was (really) slumber: you showed (me) a ship, (but) that was (really) a whirlpool.
تو مرا در خیر ز آن میخواندی ** تا مرا از خیر بهتر راندی
- You were calling me to good for the purpose that you might drive me away from the better good.”
فوت شدن دزد به آواز دادن آن شخص صاحب خانه را که نزدیک آمده بود که دزد را دریابد و بگیرد
- How a thief escaped because some one gave the alarm to the master of the house, who had nearly overtaken and caught the thief.
این بدان ماند که شخصی دزد دید ** در وثاق اندر پی او میدوید
- This (behaviour of Iblís) is like that (which is told in the following story), how a certain man saw a thief in the house and ran after him.
تا دو سه میدان دوید اندر پیش ** تا در افگند آن تعب اندر خویش
- He ran after him (the length of) two or three fields, till the fatigue threw him into a sweat.
اندر آن حمله که نزدیک آمدش ** تا بدو اندر جهد دریابدش 2795
- At the moment when, rushing on, he had come so near to him that he might spring upon him and seize him,
دزد دیگر بانگ کردش که بیا ** تا ببینی این علامات بلا
- The second thief cried out to him, “Come, that you may see these signs of calamity.
زود باش و باز گرد ای مرد کار ** تا ببینی حال اینجا زار زار
- Be quick and turn back, O man of (prompt) action, that you may see (how) very pitiable (is) the state of things here.”
گفت باشد کان طرف دزدی بود ** گر نگردم زود این بر من رود
- He (the householder) said (to himself), “Maybe a thief is yonder: if I do not return at once, this (fate) will befall me.
در زن و فرزند من دستی زند ** بستن این دزد سودم کی کند
- He may lay hands upon my wife and child, (and in that case) how would it profit me to bind this thief (whom I am pursuing)?